Chapter 42

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The pedestals with the tokens sank down into the ground making a click. The machine then miraculously started up. It began filling up the room with ink, making many Lost Ones, and Keepers retract. Not to mention Allison and Buddy were trying to stay out of the way until they managed to get on top of items that helped them stay out of the Ink's grasp. Joey who had been inside the womb had finally opened his eyes only to be grasped roughly by Bendy's powers. He was followed by Sammy, Alice, Wally, Tom, and Henry who were being strangled to death.

"Once your souls reunite with the ink warp, you'll join me and we'll be one! Your thoughts and souls will be mine! We will fight against all of humanity! I will take over this cruel world and make it a reality. No one will ever stand against me again! DO YOU HEAR ME JOEY?! NO ONE!" Bendy shouted. Joey glanced around him seeing all the chaos ensuing at the time. He cried out to Henry who managed to stay strong. "I'm sorry! I never wanted any of this! I know I've done wrong! Bendy this is my fault, not theirs! Release them!"

Bendy reared his head back and laughed. "Did you really think I'd ever listen to someone like you? What a sad and pathetic attempt to persuade me. Pathetic. I'm going to end every single one of you, traitors! All this time you did this to expand a new life for people! But in reality, you've only ever hurt me!" The shouts shook the whole room startling everyone. Rosa and Parker had no choice but to hang onto each other. The whole studio as a whole became darker and darker.

Ink auras spread all over the room as the ink began flowing higher. The six Bendy was taking in were slightly glowing. "Here me now... As of today... There will be no more hiding... No more expanding Joey Drew Studios! Everyone will do as I command! I finally get to do what I want! I'm no one's one-trick pony! I will rise to the top!" he declared as the tokens began glowing now too. The six were trying to grasp onto the last bit of life they had left knowing there was no way to get out of this. "We've gotta do something!" Parker cried to them. "And what would that be?! We have nothing against that!" Rosa cried back. Parker looked back up. The Ink monster seemed to be somewhat hesitant about killing off everyone that was a part of his life. Even if they had caused him so much pain, he still had feelings deep down within his own soul.

"WAIT!" Parker shouted. Bendy lost focus and stopped the intense grip on his hostages. "What is it now?" Bendy snapped. "You said you wanted someone to make your curse spread even wider right? Isn't that what you wanted? For everyone to suffer?! And all their knowledge would be yours! But what good is that going to do?! They know hardly anything about the world outside today! Nor do they have the same powerful ability! Even you know that! So why kill them?!" Parker exclaimed.

Their friends looked at him like he was stupid. "What are you saying you rodent?" Bendy grumbled. "I'm saying that you want power! In case you forgot, I'm the Chosen One from whatever prophecy you guys were talking about! If anything happens to me, then everything falls apart right?! C'mon, don't lie to me! I might be naive but I'm not stupid! You've wanted to hunt me down since the minute I arrived! My soul is the most valuable right now because of my youth and the time I come from! Let them go! Take me instead!" he declared.

Stunned, Bendy dropped all of his friends onto the ground. They made thuds as the Ink auras disappeared. "Park! What are you doing?!" Rosa whispered at him angrily. "What is he thinking?!" Audrey snapped. Buddy shook his head and hid his face. "He's being reckless!" Allison cried. Bendy lowered himself to the ground and came within an inch of Parker's face. "What are you saying? Do you want to be the sacrifice to make my dream a reality? Instead of those imbeciles?" he questioned, genuinely confused. Sammy was the first to run in his direction, ripping off the Bendy mask he always wore.

"WHAT ARE YOU?! STUPID?!" he shouted, running towards him. "Sammy no!" Tom shouted, running after him. Bendy saw them and used his huge hand to hit them away from Parker. "No! Stop!" Parker snapped, glancing over at his friends. Bendy blocked his way with his huge body."What is it that you really want from me? I feel as if you're only doing this to trick me in some sort of way. But, please, correct me if I'm wrong." he hissed.

"I... I don't have a good reason... I just know I can't let you do this to them... It's wrong! Sure you've felt alone! But that's no excuse for any of this! None of them deserve this... Okay maybe no one except for Joey, but you know what I mean! C'mon! I've got nothing to lose! No one's gonna miss me back home anyways!" he exclaimed. Rosa's eyes widened. "Park no! Please no!" she begged. Bendy laughed menacingly. "You're serious! I'm surprised. No one's ever surrendered to me willingly. I think I like you." he said, making whisps of ink appear from the ground. "Therefore... We have a deal!" he declared.

Without warning, the whisps wrapped all around Parker's body, tangling around him, and began squeezing him tight as possible. Then he raised the young boy off the ground, bringing him to his level. The Ink Machine began creating Ink once more, creating one large pile in a hole that was made in the ground from the chaos he had caused earlier. "PARKER!" Rosa shouted, racing in his direction. Audrey raced over and grabbed her, using all her strength to hold her back. Rosa tried fighting her back but was unsuccessful as Allison joined her.

"PARKER NO!!! STOP IT NOW!" she shrieked. Tom, Sammy, and Buddy huddled together seeing the scene unfold. Alice, Joey, and Henry could only watch in horror. A final ink whisp around Parker's throat, cutting off his air supplies slowly. "Soon it'll just be you and my boy... Nothing will stop us. We'll be an unbeatable team! And I won't make the same mistake as I made with all my previous rejects!" he promised, holding up the reel with the word The End written on them.

Alice ran towards them, snatching a Gent pipe from Tom who was startled. She got close enough and threw it high. It hit the reel on target and it fell towards the ink puddle in the room. Parker's eyes widened watching it sink into the ink. Bendy huffed. "Well, it's not like it'll ever be a threat to me again. Especially after I claim your soul." Parker felt his vision get fuzzy as his body began to go limp.

"PARKER! GET UP!!!!!" Rosa screamed. Everyone else was shouting his name. Joey could only stare at his project gone terribly wrong. Henry let tears slide down his cheek as he saw what he created go truly demonic.

Eventually, Parker stopped moving. Bendy released his body and held it in his gigantic hand. He laughed demonically as Rosa let out a heartbreaking scream. "Now... it's my turn for glory... Thank you, Parker. You've truly been a great asset to everyone here."

He raised the boy above the ink machine before dropping his limp body into the ink. Then slowly, his body disappeared.

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