Chapter 40

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The group then got out of there leaving the scene. They made sure none of the creatures saw them get out and were able to find the hallway that led them back into the main studio area. "Now where are we going? We have to stop Bendy soon! This is only getting worse!" Allison cried. "We have to get to the main studio area. It's going to be hard but I know we can make it. I have to get that reel. It's the only way we'll be able to stop Bendy!" Henry told them. "You mean... in that room?" Audrey asked him. Henry nodded gravely.

Another long travel went by to get closer to where the Resistance location. Together they boarded two boats that were near a stream in a secret area. "Wait... Are we going where Bendy is? His... throne room?" Parker asked nervously. "Yes, where else would I go?" Henry questioned, finally having the boat ready. Henry jumped on board. "Well, let's go?" he announced. None of them budged. Henry knew his announcing the place didn't help his cause. "Listen, I know going there isn't anything good. Trust me, I barely get out alive every time. But that's the last place where the reel was sent down. If we're going to end this, we need that reel. It's the only thing that'll put Bendy in his place. Please, I need your help." he told them.

Somewhat hesitant, they boarded the boats. They knew this was important but it didn't mean they weren't afraid.

"We'll have to be careful. That thing's still out there." Allison told them. All of them nodded in agreement before they followed onto the boat. Rosa and Parker exchanged a look wondering what they meant. Wally and Tom controlled one boat while Henry and Audrey took control of the other. Starting up the engine, they all drove off onto the inky waters. At first, everything was quiet. There wasn't much to see.

Audrey used a bit of her power so they could try to see up ahead. Parker peaked into the ink wondering what they were talking about. I could use a nap. After all, we're moving pretty slowly. He thought as he sat down to take a nap. The ride seemed smooth overall but was slow since they were trying to be careful. A few minutes into the ride, both boats got jammed with ink in the motors. "Agh! Dagnabit! I thought we had it!" Tom huffed. Buddy covered his face and shook his head. "What? What's wrong?!" Alice hissed. "I think it's the engine. It's gotten stopped up with ink before." Allison replied, taking a light to check it out.

Parker helped Henry pull out globs of ink while Rosa helped Tom. Both boats sat out in the ink waiting to get going. After a minute, they headed out again. Suddenly there was a loud sound in the waters. "What was that?" Parker exclaimed. "Aw shucks. It's after us... I'm outta here," Wally muttered, taking over the controls for Tom. "Audrey," Henry began. "Already on it!" Audrey replied, moving the boat along. Both boats took off again into the stream. "Tom, what is it?!" Rosa cried. "Rosa, I need you on board with us." Allison ordered.

"It'll be okay, we just need you out of the way." she added, looking onward. Out of the ink, a vast cartoon-like hand that had a wrinkled glove appeared. All their eyes widened seeing it once more. Wally and Audrey hit the gas once more, trying to get out of there. The hand began reaching out for them. Searching for their boats and wanting to drag them under the ink. "Not today." Henry declared. The engines got jammed up again. Everyone worked together to unblock them as quickly as they could.

This process repeated several times. There were several close encounters. To Audrey's relief, they were making it out into the open where their escape was. "We're almost there! Keep going!" she shouted to the groups. The hand only extended farther and faster as they made it out into the open where the docs were. As soon as the boats hit the docs, they all scrambled to get out of the boat. The hand just barely missed them as all of them were out to safety. They watched their sudden enemy sink back into the ink. "Alright, c'mon. I know where it is. We need to get there as soon as we can." Henry told them gravely.

Only now everyone understood the severity of the situation. "There's no other option. We have to head straight in!" Allison told them. They raced down a few hallways trying to find their way through it all. Quickly they destroyed a bunch of Searchers and Lost Ones who tried to take them down. Rosa and Parker made it the furthest out as they approached the area Henry was talking about. Parker and Rosa halted seeing the lake of ink in front of them. "I was here. It felt like so long ago..." Parker noted, shuddering. "Well, let's go." Rosa told him. There was no bridge this time. Together they waded through the inky waters.

Tom, Sammy, Buddy, and Wally were trying their best to slow the spread. Audrey used as much power as she could but it was becoming somewhat draining. She strained as Allison and Alice kept trying to keep her upright. "Those kids are on their own! Henry! Go save them before they do something they regret! Besides, you're the only one who can cross that passage!" Tom ordered. "Alright. Stay alive." Henry sighed. "Wait!" Allison shouted to him, throwing him an ax. "I brought a weapon for you this time." she smiled. Henry returned the smile and went on.

Parker and Rosa were already on the other side before Henry came into the area. They had walked into his territory. "Wait! It's not safe!" he shouted angrily. "Ugh! Do these kids even listen?" he grumbled following after them.

The two teens discovered the lair with all the displays and halls. Parker was startled considering he was here a while back as a hostage. "Park?" Rosa put her hand on his shoulder to calm his nerves. "We've got this." she reassured him. Parker nodded his head and they began to rush inside the building. Only now did Henry make it inside the building. He saw them run off but was in such a hurry he didn't even get the words out to yell out for them.

Just as he began running, something tripped him from behind. Falling on his face, he saw his legs being bound together by ink that began forming all around him. It was useless to attempt an escape. To his despair, but not his surprise, he was met face-to-face with the Ink Demon himself. He held his breath as Bendy loomed over him like a shadow.

"If it isn't my creator having the nerve to come all the way down here. What brings you this time? A change of heart? No... otherwise you wouldn't have brought all those rejects to my place. Not to mention the Chosen One. You're a disgrace."

Henry just sat there knowing there was nothing that was going to get them out of this situation.

Meanwhile, Rosa and Parker finally made it to their destination where they wanted to be and were out of breath. Bendy's throne sat there in the middle of what looked like a screen room and they noticed a pile of stuff. "It must be in here!" Rosa exclaimed as she opened up what looked like a box just sitting in the ink that surrounded the throne. Opening it up, there was definitely something supposed to be there but it was empty. Distraught, they retracted and looked around wondering if was somehow misplaced.

An inky aura then filled the entire room, making it dark and ominous. This caught both of their attention and forced them to turn around as their eyes widened. Bendy stood behind them, holding Henry in one of his giant hands as he was in full beast mode. He snarled at them as Henry struggled to get free without any luck.

"I believe it was this that you're looking for?" he asked them, showing them the small reel roll he had in his ginormous hand. "No..." Parker whispered. Bendy then held Henry up higher for the two of them to see. "And if you value any of the little life this creature has, you'll do exactly as I say... Or I'll make him suffer another century."

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