Early Apologies

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"Y/n what the fuck was that?" Angel asked "Me bhein ah fukhin idiot" your annoyance wad muffled by your pillow. You picked your head up "I could ask you the same question, you're the one who just magically became a friend of mine with the span of a few days.

"At least I didn't show up to Val's club and straight up tell my Ex to fuck off when he did nothin'..." Angel said "Aughhh" you stuffed your head in a pillow "Wat is whrong wiff meh?" You closed your eyes and crammed your face deeper into the pillow.

"Ya know..?" "Hm?" You hummed annoyed. "It seems to me like ya tryin' to get him to notice you." Angel said, "Though I ain't very good at relationship advice" Angel shrugged.

"I gotta apologize." You rolled over onto your back. "I'm gonna embarrasse the shit outta myself."

"Y/n you gotta quit worrying about being 'The Radio Demon's Lil sister' at the point its obvious your only friend is ya big bro, I don't have anything agents family friends,I know how it feels.." Angel rubbed his arm.

"Anyway, It's either now or never, go apologize to him or some shit?" Angel ushered you, you got up stuffed your phone in your pocket and practically ran out the door, you ran past Charlie only to be stopped by your brother.

"Where are you going my dear, appreciated, sister." Alastor stood infront if you.

"Well didn't you use 'appreciated' rather oddly in that sentence?" You continued to walk any for him to teleport through his shadows infront of you.

"I asked a question, Dear?"

"And so did I." You walked around him once again "Heard of your little debacle from my dear friend, Angel Dust,"

You both looked towards the spider who was holding an alcoholic beverage and looking at the two of you wide eyed and confused.

You gave him a glare, He gave an apologetic smile. "Course' Brother." You gritted you teeth.

"He also said you been standing in my shadow for far too long."

You whipped your head around to Angel who looked around the room nervously before going to Very loudly sip his fruity drink.

You turned back to your brother somehow managing to keep together a calm look.
"NIFTY GET THE BODY-BAG" Husk shouted to the short Cyclops. "Uh oh." Nifty said grabbing a Mop and Bag,

As you both stood there not saying anything, a harpoon flew in between both of your faces and hit the wall "Don't you DARE get blood on anything." Vaggie snapped.

"WAIT, wait, wait, please, No fighting? I understand Y/n is the younger sibling and probably has her own issues and Al... well he's down-right creepy, You two are family and-"

"Charlie, I apologize, none of that matters in Hell, I won't get blood on anything." You lunged at your brother who quite easily dodged it considering you hadn't been looking at him, You had been looking at Charlotte.

He only returned the favor by launching some tentacles at you, However getting hit in the ankle with a tentacle let you play the little sister card. You fell you the ground real dramatically, only for Charlie to step in

"Okay! Okay that's enough. PLEASE." She pulled you up off the ground. However you stuck your tongue out at Alastor who glared at you deeply as you walked out of the Hotel backwards, except you ran into the door and had to stop, turn around and then open it.

You felt the warmth of Hell wash over you.

"Alrighty time to fuck myself over for the rest of my life." You muttered.

"Oh shit, where the fuck would he go...? OHHH Angel knows everybody." You shrugged calling the Spider demon.

After he gave you the number you decided to sit outside the hotel and call.

As it rang anxiety rushed through you. And he picked up "Hiya, It's Velvet, Voxxy asked me to answer his phone." A preppy feminine voice asked.

You looked up and thanked heaven for it not being Vox who answered.

"Hey, So long story, I need to apologize I don't know what the fuck I thought I was doing, I'm taking full responsibility for it and uh sorry to Valentino, for kicking your dancer off the stage," You ranted

"and Honestly I'd blame it on Alastor but really he didn't make me be an asshole" you finished.

"That was kind of alot, Uh, Vox is right here you wanna see what he's gotta say?" Velvet said. "

"NoThanksI'mGoodBy" you hung up as fast as you could. You pushed open the door to the hotel and sat on the floor head in hands.

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