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"What the fuck happened— how'd you get in here?" You asked Angel who held a worried expression.

"Y/n, we haven't seen you in 2 days. I just fucking busted in here after 5 minutes if no response," Angel said. "What."

"Babes you look like shit, get ready and I'll explain everything.


"So I just left and never came back." You replied sitting on the couch as Alastor, Charlie and Vaggie explained and listened.

"Pretty much," Angel replied. "What the fuck?" You questioned. "So we've learned two things, You have some form of ability that Alastor doesn't," Vaggie pointed out.
"And siblings shouldn't take each other's things." She added.

"Aight' now that that's settled, there's a party downtown and you bitches need to lighten up and quit bein' a stick in the mud." Angel looked at you and Al.

"No," you replied in unison.


Despite your unwilling attitude both you and Alastor were hauled along by Angel.

However, you were the first to order drinks, both Angel and Alastor got drunk first. Angel is extremely less wasted than Alastor.

Al leaned on you for support considering he could barely stand due to his alcohol consumption. "Oh, my beloved sister!" Al shouted dramatically.

"Why must you–" He hiccuped "Of the Television man of sorts–" he announced to half the bar. "ANGEL WE NEED TO GO." You yelled "What– hah, ur funny" Great, Angel's drunk too, how'd you manage to get stuck with the two worst drinkers?

Both Al and Angel were acting like children. "Okay, Alastor we're leaving." You said, "I'm the older sibling and—"

"Older by 18 months, Al." You dragged him by the wrist. He then dramatically collapsed on the floor. You inhaled, deeply annoyed by his childish behavior.

"Fuck it." You managed to pick him up (with very much struggle) and call Charlie, however, Vaggie answered.

"You can hate me all you want later but I need a limo in–" just the same time that Alastor rolled out of your grasp and landed on the floor with a thud, your phone died.

Then he began rambling on about something "—Y/n you really should-" He hiccuped "-notice your Ex walking into public facilities." Al finished. You looked towards the door only to see Vox.

You looked down at Alastor and began frantically pulling him off the ground.
Of course, he wined like a child.

"You fucking idiot he's gonna kill your dumb ass–" You paused, realizing that Angel staggered over to you, How the hell did you manage to get stuck with the worst drunk guy and a drunk Angel Dust who was talking to God knows who about doing God knows what.

You soon realized Alastor and Angel weren't the only drunk ones, Vox seemed to be intoxicated due to his mildly slurred speech and exaggerated movements.

"Why, why me?" You looked up. Angel could at least stand on his own so you shoved Alastor to him, Al refused and sat on a barstool.

"Don't touch me," He glared at Angel who shrugged.

Vox sauntered over to you, "Hello, Darling~" you took a step back, a little concerned. Your back hit the bar.

"I will not let you do something you'll regret," you said. "An why would I regret anything that pertains to you?" Vox smirked at you.

"Angel, call Vaggie," You said. "Ugh, that bitch, fine." He groaned. "And take Al home?" You said. Alastor grumbled as you dragged Vox pit of the bar, who in their right mind dropped him off here? Then you thought about who he's friends with.

"Give me your phone." You held out a hand, "K." He slapped his phone into your hand after unlocking it, you called Velvet not knowing what else to do.

Vox leaned close to you. "What the fuck are you doing," you shoved his face— er screen away. "This is Velvet if I didn't answer it's because I didn't want to, BEEEEP" You hit the end call, "I'm guessing 'Moth Pimp' is Valintino?" You asked. "Yeah," Vox replied boredly.

You hit call, "Hey Voxxy~," Valintino said flirtatiously. "Hell no, Give the phone to Velvet, pimp." You said instantly, you heard an 'Asshole' before he passed the phone to Velvet.

"Hiya?" She laughed. "Listen, you need to pick up Vox, He's on crack or some shit." You watched as Vox yelled at a lamp post.

"K, we'll be there in like 30 minutes" She replied "THIRTY–"

Velvet hung up on you, "What are you doing?" You asked Vox who was still yelling at the lamp post "This fuckin' dickbag just said—"

"Just sit down." You said, he frowned and slid down the wall of the bar. You sat beside him.

It was dead silent for a few moments before you spoke, honestly not knowing if Vox had dozed off or not.

"I don't know if you're too drunk to be able to remember this tomorrow but, I am sorry." You paused for a second think.

"Sometimes, I realize I can't even handle myself, Lord knows how you did, and it's a big problem I need to work on. I don't expect you to just forgive me overnight, but, I want to be friends, I don't think we're going to be how we were—" You rambled.

Vox shushed you with a finger in your face. "Y/n, what you did at Val's club was a real bitchy move, but it was fucking hot. Okay? And if you apologize one more goddamn time I'm going to hit you in the head with that bitch." Vox pointed at the streetlamp.

You didn't know if you should be a little confused that he called pissing him off 'hot' or if you should feel threatened by a street lamp. Valintino's limo pulled up, it was surely less than 30 minutes.

Valentino rolled down the window. "Don't call me a moth pimp, radio bitch." He remarked, "Really thought you did something, huh?" You stood up off the ground, pulling Vox up along too.

"Voxxy, just get in the damn car." Valintino ignored your insult. "Oh, and I meant that, you're still fucking gorgeous," Vox shot your finger guns at you before getting into the Limo.

"What the fuck?"

The Radio's Lil' Sis (Vox X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now