Nothing Happened

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(M/n means Middle name, also the photo had nothing to do with the chap)

You didn't know what happened, one minute you were in the hotel, and the next you were black-out drunk, vomiting into a toilet as someone you couldn't recognize through your blurred vision held your hair back.

You looked back over your shoulder at them, smiling at them. They said something, however, you only could make out the first part, "You really don't know how--"

You smiled,

They merely chuckled before you spat up some more.

Before you knew it you were lying in bed begging the unknown person to stay with you.

"—at least until I fall asleep." You begged.
"Darling, you'd be pissed tomorrow."
They said.

"I promise, I won't,"
"Fine, but I want it in writing." They said.

"Deal," a second later you signed the paper with a crayon and they sat beside you on the blankets as you curled up under the blankets.

You grabbed their hand gently.
"Y/n," they began slowly.

You just hummed resting your head on their lap.
They gently pushed a strand of hair back from your face.


You grumbled as you woke up, what happened yesterday not coming into your memory, however, you did notice two things; this was not your room, and you were laying on Vox's chest.

"Shit." Was all you could manage as you jerked away from Vox who bolted up.

"What the— why are you— what the hell?" He asked frantically.
"What the fuck happened!" You yelled just before getting hit with a horrible headache.

"I don't know! Why are you here?!" Vox yelled.
"I don't fuckin' know? The last thing I remember was sitting on the couch!" You yelled back as the headache pounded in your ear.

You heard a noise under your foot. It was a piece of paper, a very crumpled piece of paper.
You could hardly make out the terribly written words, on the paper it read your name; badly written. However, you knew you'd been the one to write it, with what context? None.

Well, that doesn't help the situation.
Two ideas stung your and Vox's heads.
"You know what! It's okay, I'm sure nothing happened, we can just go back to our normal lives and pretend this never happened!" You said with an awkward laugh.

You were about to leave when Velvet jumped out of nowhere after you opened the door.

"Sooo," she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"N-no," you cursed yourself for studdering
"God, Velvet, why." You walked past her hoping to figure out where the exit was.

You ended up figuring it out, but you realized you didn't have your phone and that you were not completely sober because you could not walk in a straight line.

You also realized you had dry vomit on your face along with smeared makeup.
You tried to reason with yourself,
C'mon, you probably both got drunk a the same bar unknowingly and you just went together and—

"Y/n M/n you are fortunate—"
You cut off Alastor.

"Shut the fuck up." You said assertively.
He still kept a smile however he truly wanted to smack you for that.

"I don't want your stupid ass bullshit, about how I should 'respect you because you're older' It doesn't work anymore, Al. I'm allowed to do shit without you breathing down my neck." You glared.


"Voxxy! What is wrong with you!" Velvet yelled.
"What?" Vox yelled back.

"You can just let her walk away!" Velvet yelled.
"Why? It's not like she– she's in love with me!" Vox replied.

"Oh my god are you blind?!" Velvet yelled.
"Did you not see how she looked at you yesterday?!"

"I don't know, Velvet. Okay! I don't know," Vox snapped at her.

"Vox, you're in love with her, dumbass! The only thing you've gotta ask is are you going to be what she needs?"
Vox just stared at his friend for a while.

Vox couldn't help but stare, you were dancing with Velvet who jumped around happily with you.

You looked genuinely happy, something he or even no one else had seen in a very long time.

Seconds later you both made eye contact for a good while.
It sounds dramatic, but it felt like time stopped, Velvet noticed because she shoved you towards him.

You smiled at him as his thumb grazed your cheek. A hum of contentment left your mouth as you closed your eyes leaning into his touch, and a sense of euphoria washed over you.

You and Alastor were fighting, anyone nearby or even really within a 10-mile radius could hear you shouting and hurling things at each other.

You were thrown hastily into a wall with a loud crunch from the brick and your bones, it didn't take long for you to get up and return the favor, sending your brother flying into the road with aggression.

As you both continued to insult and assault each other Vox was racing down the street, due to needing to tell you of his newfound actuality and the loud noises that were occurring.

He really did hope it wasn't you, however when he saw you looming over your already blooded brother he stopped short, about ready to sit on the ground and watch.

Alastor however launched you backwards through a glass window.
You did not hesitate to get back up and charge at him.

You knocked Al to the ground, somehow just before Alastor hit you over the head with his staff.

It didn't knock you out but you did hit the ground pretty hard because your nose dripped blood onto your clothes.

You managed to knock him down again, however this time you rested the heel of your shoe on your brother's chest.

"Don't fucking do that again." You threatened.

He merely chuckled in a dark manner before shoving your foot off and standing up,
"I'm sure he'll bother you more than I could." Al walked off.


"Y/n," You heard Vox.
"Uh, Hi." You said awkwardly.

"I don't really know how to tell you this without you freaking the fuck out so I'm just going to say it;
I love you

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