Real Apologies

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Al had already stormed off in a fit of rage so you didn't have to deal with him, and Vaggie left because she didn't want to do this in the first place Husk just straight up said "Fuck off" and made everyone sit on the floor.

"Hi, you said to call, and uh." You stopped talking. "Oh– So, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry." He said you were a bit taken aback. Did he just apologize?

"Uhm... thanks, hah, and you know what, We're both fucking stupid, let's be honest. I could care less how Alastor feels about shit." You said

"Fucking finally," Vox muttered. "Ya know, it's kinda hard to disagree with my brother who could and would end my life in 2 damn seconds," you spat.

"Whatever —SHIT VELVET— gotta go,"


"Well, that's enough interaction for me today." You said falling over sideways on the couch.


"Fuck, what time is it?" You groaned sitting up on the couch. "11:30," Charlie informed with a kind smile, as Vaggie scowled at you.

"I don't feel shitty?" You mumbled.
"FUCK! Why'd I call him, why, why why," you groaned,

"You can thank me for that, babes," Angel grinned at you. "Dick," you glared at him. "Here," he rolled his eyes handing you an aspirin and a glass of water.

You took the painkiller and chugged the water after it. Your phone started ringing,

Hot Ex Boyfriend

"HELL NO" you shouted tossing the vibrating phone onto the other side of the couch as you curled up into a ball on the other side Angel rolled his eyes again, picking up your phone.

"Tell him I'm not here!" You yelled.
"Hi, it's Angel," he said calmly into the phone. "Yeah, she's here," Angel forced the phone into your hand. "Hi Vox," you said keeping a calm tone.

"It's actually Velvet,"
"Oh hey," a calmness washed over you. "VELVET, WHERE THE HELL IS MY— you bastard." You heard in the background.

Velvet laughed mischievously. "So, how're you doing after yesterday, you sounded out of it?" She asked. "Velv, give me the phone," Vox said.

"No, anyway," Velvet said. "I'm good...?" You said questionably.
"Velvet. Give. Me. The. Phone."

"No!" She shouted.
"So, Y/n, you tryna go out with Vox tomorrow?" Velvet asked, "FUCK—" you heard on the other line.

Your face warmed as Angel tilted his head at you. "Uh..." You managed to get out.



"God damnnit." You groaned.

"I– ughhh,"

(damn I haven't posted in a while, and this is VERY short,)

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