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Velvet watched as you got dragged aside by Alastor. Only a few seconds later you strutted back over to the group taking Vox's hand with a grin.

"Oh hey? Is that prince stolas?" You squinted at the Owl who stood next to am Imp. "What the fuck?" Valintino looked towards the two before walking off towards them.


A couple of hours later you sat on the floor half asleep, mumbling incoherent words. The Hazbin Crew had already left over an hour ago and Alastor reluctantly ditched you.

"Heh," you chuckled "alrighty, maybe we should leave?" Velvet offered "Oki," you agreed and got up. "Val let's go!" Velv yelled, "Hm? Fine."


The V's may have dropped you off at the hotel if they'd known you lived there in the first place, and you'd fallen asleep in the limo.

By the time morning rang you had a horrible hangover and were lying on the living-room floor of the V's penthouse.

Your phone rang at 6 am due to a call from Angel. "Are you okay?" He asked "Ugh, yeah? Where the hell am I?" You asked.

"I don't fuckin— holy shit, Y/n you might wanna get the hell outta there." Angel said, "why–"

"Just leave." Angel said, "How tf do you have my location?" You asked, "You shared it with me a while ago, now get the actual fuck out of that penthouse." Angel said.

"Easier said than done when your head is pounding—" You stood up carefully. "Holy hell is that an elevator?" You said, "Yeah, just leave and don't—" your phone cut out as an empty battery sign flashed.

"We'll this is a predicament..." You paused.
"The fuck—" you heard a yell from the top of the stairs, it was Vox looking confused as hell.

"VELVET!" He shouted, "What?" She yelled presumably from her room. "Care to explain why Y/n is in the living room?" He asked.

Velvet appeared in the doorway. "Oh, shit? I forgot she was here, Hey!" She smiled at you fondly.

"CAN YOU ASSHOLES QUIT YELLING," Valentino yelled. "Sure thing Val!" Velvet yelled.

"You know what, fuck it, I feel like shit." You snapped, and a coffee cup appeared in your hand, "I need a ride" you informed them.

Vox groaned "bug me in an hour" He walked away, "Welp. Night, again" Velvet walked off with a shrug. "I can't with these bitches." You plopped down on the couch.


An hour later Velvet woke up. "VOX, GET YOUR ASS UP, WE'RE TAKING YOUR EX HOME!"

"Ugghh, You do it" He groaned. At this point, you were on your 3rd cup of coffee.
"C'mon asshole, you owe me." You said

"how the fuck do I owe you?" He asked

"Well, I did save you from getting killed by my brother on multiple occasions, I also never told you bout' that time you drunkenly decided I was attractive and I called Velvet because you were talking to a street lamp." You crossed your arms.

"Let's go." Without another word, he picked up a set of car keys. "Hah! I don't have to walk." You high-fived Velvet.

"Shit, you don't have a phone charger by any chance?" You asked.
Velv basically pulled one out of thin air and handed it to you before you followed her to the car.

When Vox pulled up to the hotel you hesitated "uh– thanks, and again, I'm sorry," you gave Velvet her charger and opened the car door.

"Wait," Vox said with a sigh.

"Just– Just don't do anything stupid...
and Call me." He mumbled
the last part so Velvet couldn't hear it. "Uh, yeah, okay...?" You closed the car door behind you before it sped off.

"Did he just say– holy shit,  OhMyGodI'mInTroubleNow" you walked into the hotel, a dumbfounded look plastered on your face. "OH THANK SATAN YOU'RE OKAY" Angel embraced you.

"Uhuh... yeah..." You said, "Are you okay?" He asked letting go of you. "No, I think I'm gonna pass out."


You hadn't passed out but it had been an awful while.

"I- Do I call him?" You asked Angel. "Normally I'd say 'Hell yeah bitch' but in this case, don't do it yet," Angel said.

"You know what, we're all gonna play, Dare or Drink." Angel said "Uh. Pretty sure it's Truth or Drink?" You said.

"Fine but mines better, YO HAZBIN'S TRUTH, DARE OR DRINK!" Angel shouted. "Ooh, truth or Drink? What are we drinking? Fruit punch?" Charlie asked.

"You poor innocent child, booze me Husker." Husk rolled his eyes "No," he glared "Fine," you snapped, a stack of rainbow solo cups appeared along with a bottle of Booze.

"Al! Get your red ass in here!" You yelled. "Yes, sister?" He said. "Here, you handed him the red cup, dumping Booze into it.

"Charlie, baby pink. Vaggie, grey. Angel, hot pink. Husker, brown, because you're fuckin' emo."

"And me—" Angel cut you off, shoving a blue cup towards you, Husk had handed it to him out of spite "Dick" you split the alcohol equally, however, Vaggie didn't seem too pleased to be playing.

"Rules, the person who is asking doesn't have to answer, nobody can ask the same question and everyone gets to target one other person with a Dare, they cannot refuse," Angel said

He went first, "First ever significant other." He looked directly at you. "I feel targeted." You said.

"Not a soul," Alastor said. You huffed "Vox"
Vaggie smiled at Charlie, everybody got the hint, Charlie and Husk were the first to take a drink, Charlie recoiled at the taste but said nothing.

"What's your... favorite color!" Charlie smiled "Damn? You're really bad at this game, Rainbow." Angel said

After everyone else went it was your turn.

"What's your biggest problem with a family member." You asked. Al scoffed "My sister's forwardness." He said. You gave him a death glare. "Uh... when they don't support you..." Charlie mumbled. Vaggie didn't answer but refused to take a drink.

"Uh, my father's a dick?" Angel said, "Fuck this." Husk drank. Back to Angel's turn,

At this point 3 out of the 6 of you were drunk, Husk, Angel, and Alastor, but when Is Husk not?

"Y/n, I dare you to call your ex." Angel said, "Absolutely fucking not, there is no God damn way that I am calling—"



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