Hey Brother

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"You look great," Angel said sarcastically.
"I feel great" you matched his demeanor.

Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover

"c'mere, Let's do something to get your mind off of everything." You looked up at him skeptically "You know what I mean!" He put his hands up defensively, "and ya brother would make me double dead." Angel said.

"Okay," you stood up, following Angel.

"He doesn't deserve you anyway, Hell, The strawberry pimp even doesn't even deserve to be your brother," Angel said. You felt tears forming.

Hey sister, know the water's sweet, but blood is thicker

"Oh- Oh, no don't cry, it's okay, I promise." Angel engulfed you in a hug. "Why am I like this." Tears streamed down your face.

"We broke up, for good reason too-" You sobbed "and -hic- Al was right-" You sobbed.

"Babes, your brother is a fucking asshole, don't listen to him you're an absolute fucking goddess, and if someone tells you otherwise they're an ugly ass liar." Angel continued to hug you.

Oh, if the sky comes falling down

"I'm going to -hic- bed, sorry." You held back a river of tears as you walked toward your room.

"What is wrong with me!?" You slammed your door with a yell. "It ended so long ago! I shouldn't be feeling like shit right now?!" You yelled

For you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

"Al was right... hah."

Hey brother, do you still believe I'm one another?

"He was right."

Hey sister, do you still believe in love?

More heavy tears streamed down your face.

You turned around and leaned on your bed frame facing the door "HE WAS FUCKING RIGHT" You screamed.

You let out a hysterical laugh, you suddenly stopped laughing.

I wonder, Oh, if the sky comes falling down

"All I am is The Radio Star's little sister," you said quietly

There was a rhythmic knock that rang through your door. You stood up unlocking the door.

"My dear sister, I heard loud shouting. May I ask-"

There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

"No" you interrupted

He chuckled "As I said, May I ask what it was about?" He asked

What if I'm far from home?

"And as I said, No." You glared.

Even if he was right, you weren't going to let him boss you around.

"I can't help but wonder... who was right?" He asked, knowing full well who

You swallowed hard, "You."

"Hm? And what would that be about?" He asked

What if I lose it all?

You didn't even realize you broke, the tears began again, and you thought you were fine.
You bit the inside of your bottom lip

And that's when something you never expected to happen, happened...

Oh, sister, I will help you out

Your heartless, demonic, in-human brother hugged you, and that only lead you to harder sobbing.

Charlie stood in the hallway with Angel they watched silently

Oh if the sky comes falling down

Neither of you heard the two, only your quiet sobs.

For you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

"I am so sorry." You apologized. Alastor thought before speaking

Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover

He glanced around, In the dark hallway, he didn't see anyone "Dear, you shouldn't be apologizing, it really should be me, so for what it's worth, I am sorry." He said.

Hey sister, do you still believe in love? I wonder

"I really appreciate you, Al." You said

What if I'm far from home?

"You're my favorite person." You admitted "Couldn't agree more, Ma sœur"

Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do.

What if I'm far from home?

Oh, brother, I will hear you call.
What if I lose it all

"Truce, Bambi?"

Oh sister, I will help you out,
Oh if the sky comes falling down
For you

There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

The Radio's Lil' Sis (Vox X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now