Wake up call

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You groaned, how were you even more tired than before? In fact, you didn't even remember going to sleep. You searched for your phone, but it was nowhere.

"Alright, no problem?" You reached under the pillow only to pull out a sock. You looked under the bed, in the bathroom, on your floor, bed, and dresser.

"Fuck," you muttered looking between the footboard of your bed and the mattress.
Panic began to settle in. Your whole life was on your phone, not to mention Al figured out the basics of a phone.

You ripped open your hotel room door only to sprint into the elevator that Angel had just stepped into. "AH— Oh it's you, damn what happened to you?" He asked.

"Sleep dipshit," you glared as the elevator came to a stop. You darted out, you hadn't even known if you'd come back through the front door of the hotel or not last night.

"DAMNIT!" You yelled frantically searching for your phone on the couch as Charlie and Vaggie exchanged looks. "Slow down, what are you looking for?" Charlie asked "My phone– how the hell did I get home last night?" You spun around looking at the floor.

"Uh? You— you didn't, you never left?" Charlie answered, "Of course I did because I was talking to the V's and— Oh my fuck, I can teleport." You said.

"Hm? And you've just now learned this, sister?" Alastor asked appearing near the bar. You gave an annoyed eye-roll and began searching for your phone.

The room flashed a vibrant red and you appeared in Valintino's club.

"What the actual fuck?" You looked around. "Hey! Co'mon Vox and Val are in the limo!" Velvet dragged you along "Uh, no? Absolutely not, how the fuck am I here right now." You glanced around the room.

Velvet laughed, "This is a dream, but for you, it's a dream of what you really want most." She explained with a smile.

"Now let's go!" She dragged you outside and shoved you into the Limousin, she got in the Limo right after.

"I want you to shove me onto limo floors that have touched God fucking knows what?" You avoid up off the floor and took a seat next to Velvet.

"What are you doing?" She asked, "Breathing?" You replied. "sit over there, you know that's what you want." Velvet said shoving you forward, your face smacked the back of the seat as you stumbled.

You sat a few feet away from a quite confused Vox. Velvet groaned and shoved you closer to Vox, who rested an arm around your shoulders.

"Rember, it's a dream, nobody's gonna know unless you tell them," Velvet said with a wink.

"Nope that's it I wanna wake up," you said.

Your vision again flashed a bright red and you now stood in a poofy black dress at an overlord ball.

"DID I SAY I WANNA WAKE UP?!" You yelled. You didn't know who you were yelling at, but now everyone in the ball was looking at you.

"I‐ I'm gonna go– ah-" Charlie yanked you aside. "Y/n listen to me if my dad tries to talk to—"

"Mh, Y/n may I speak with you?" Lucifer interrupted, pushing Charlie away. You looked around him to see Charlie silently but frantically shaking her head.

"Uh, okay?" You replied, Lucifer pulled you aside. "I'm not one for small talk, so let's get to the point, this lovely little dream of yours; It's no longer what you want, it's what's bound to happen, beware of what you say and do, this may shape your future," Lucifer explained.

You looked at him dumbfounded, "I'm sorry what?" You asked. "Off you go." He ushered you into the crowd only to disappear as soon as you stood near The Hazbin Crew.

They were conversing, only a few feet away where Vox, Velvet, and Valentino, you stood In between the two groups.

Vox pulled you over by his side, at this point you were sweating, if this was supposedly going to happen in the future did that mean...?

You tuned into their conversation. "Voxxy, how'd you manage to pull 'The Radio demons little sister'?" Velvet laughed. Vox gave an eye roll.

"She's not just the Radio Demon's sister," Vox replied glancing at your uncomfortable state. Valentino had already walked off elsewhere leaving the 3 of you.

You stopped listening until you were yanked towards your brother. "Ack–" he dragged you off towards the group of Hazbin's.

"No, I forbid that" Al spat. "Forbid, you can't forbid anything from me." You said out of pure instinct.

"Wake up," Angel said dropping one set of hands onto your shoulders. "Wake up, Wake up, AL YOUR SISTERS DEA—"

You bolted upwards out of a dead sleep. "NEVER MIND!" Angel shouted putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

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