I Love You Too.

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"You can't." You blurted out.
"What?" Vox asked in response.

"Vox," you paused thinking up something to say.
"You can't be in love with me." You said quietly.

"You- I can't be your girlfriend, I don't even know how I feel about you right now, I- mean, I do love you, I think," you rambled.

"And, I don't want to cause you harm, and if I'm with you... we're both going to end up hurt again." You fumbled out tripping over your words.

"And I—"

"It's alright, just..."
He paused and breathed out.

"When –or if– you're ready, just give me a call. Or even if you just need to talk,
I still love you,
and I'll be there." He managed turning around and head off.
You bit your fingernail for a moment.

"Wait... Wait!" You yelled after him.
He stopped and turned around, confused.
That was until you pulled him in by the shirt collar.


"This just in, The Radio Demon's little sister Is kissing— is that Vox?"
You stepped backward looking at the Television screens in a window beside you, what it displayed? You staring at the window.

You then turned to see a camera filming you, live as it recorded what happened, it played on the television.

"Holy shit, that's live." You asked turning to Vox who faded into a state of pure panic.
You were the first to rush forwards at the camera, followed by Vox.

"Killjoy? Did you get tha—" The cameraman yelled into his headset. As you tackle them to the ground in a fit of rage.


By the time you got back to the hotel, you looked like a disaster.
"Please tell me you guys were not watching the news." You asked.

"Then I'd be lying," Angel said tossing a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"But we've got bigger problems, Radio-bitch hasn't moved in 15 minutes," Angel pointed at Alastor who stood staring at the TV, eyes glued to the screen.

That was when he slowly looked up at you, pure joy spread across his face in a second.

As you reached back behind you for practically anything that would keep you from passing out.

Your hand found the table that would help you not collapse on the floor.
"Oh ho, ho, well that's truly astounding! And on the picture show as well!" He shouted happily.

You for one could not tell if he was pissed or not. He must've been because Charlie fumbled over her words for a moment, "Maybe we should just eat lunch or something?" She offered.

"No thank you, Charlotte." You said debating on whether or not to run.
"So, Ma sœur, how true is it," Al asked taking a passive-aggressive step forward.

"Uh... hah... how true is what... Bambi...?"
You awkwardly laughed.
"What you said to our dear friend Vox?" Al seethed.


"So, which is it, sister?" Alastor asked taking another step closer to you.
"Alastor!" Charlie yelled shoving him away from you, much to your appreciation.

"She's your sister, you're siblings, siblings are supposed to love each other unconditionally!" Charlie yelled.

"Oh shittt." Angel sipped his drink watching intently.

"Now, you can't push her around all the time, you're supposed to be her brother, not her father," Charlie said.

"And you," Charlie turned to you.
"You need to stick up for yourself. Don't be a pushover, and," Charlie whispered the next part,

"If you're in love with Vox,
you need to tell him."


Staring at the ceiling in the dark you lay In deep thought.
Did you love him?
If you didn't, why'd you kiss him?
Was it like an apology?
Was it a mistake?

No, that wasn't right, it wasn't an apology, and it wasn't a mistake.

No, it was neither of those things, actually now that you thought about it, what exactly was being in love with someone?

You knew what loving someone was, of course, you loved Charlie, Angel, Vaggie, Husk, Niffty, and Alastor, and maybe even Velvet despite getting into arguments with them, they knew you weren't just The radio demon's little sister but being in love was different you concluded.

Being in love was, finding a person so endearing, so perfect, not for anyone else, but for you. Wanting to spend every moment with a person, being there for them through good times and bad, putting their needs before your own, and wanting nothing but the best for them, because you are in love with them.

There were so many different forms of love.
All similar, yet so very different, the kind of love you and Vox currently experienced was not loving someone, but being in love with someone, and you now understood that fact, no matter how hard you would try, being truly in love with someone was painful.

Yet as much as it hurt, it was gorgeous and it was the most euphoric experience.

Despite it being 1 in the morning you raced out of bed.
Knowing full well something was about to happen. However, you didn't know what.

That was when your phone made a quiet ping noise.

Meet me outside.

Your heart raced, in a good way.

You really were in love with him.

A few moments later you stood outside the hotel being hugged, Hell was quiet for the first time in a long while.

"I love you too."

You weren't in the least bit perfect, but you'd certainly try.

The Radio's Lil' Sis (Vox X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now