The Queen who never was

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Major spoilers for HOTD ahead...

Chapter Forty-Seven~ The Queen who
never was


Days had passed with no sign of aid coming from Rhaynera, they sat upon their horses under the tears of morning rain waiting for any sign of Targaryen in the sky.

"I am growing bored of this." Aegon muttered.

Rhaella was too, but she would not admit that in fear of making these men think she was unsuited for battle.

There was be nothing left to save now anyway. Everything had been set ablaze, most of the villagers dead, save the ones who swore to serve Aegon.

But just as all hope of battle was about to be lost, A boy came riding through the feilds, Holding a white flag.

"Speak your purpose boy!" Cole Ordered.

"I have no intention to aid my father, the lord of this castle!" He shouted back. "I have come from the bay, I have seen a beast circling the skies!"

"What is your name boy?" Cole questioned.

"Gregory Waters, ser." He replied.

"Do you fear death by a dragon Gregory?" The hand asked him. When the boy shook his head Cole gave him the instruction to fetch a bow. "Then pray to the Gods to have your arrows aim straight."

The three Targaryens did not need to be told where they needed to go, and the three of them rode off through the trees toward where their dragons lay.

They galloped through the forest at an inhumane speed, until they found the beasts a mile away from where they had been left, feasting on a flock of sheep.

"Who do you believe it is?" Aegon questioned as he climbed from his horse.

"We may find out if we hurry." Rhaella replied as she approached her dragon. "Vermithor!" She shouted. "Dohaerás, Vermithor!"

Vermithor turned away from his meal to face his bonded, bowing his bronze scaled head to his rider, before spreading his wings and shaking off any stiffness that had crept into his bones.

Rhaella approached him, running a hand across his burnt golden skin, before climbing into the saddle. Her Armor consisted of a metal corset on top of a leather shirt, with leather trousers. Her arms were protected by Iron, skipping past her elbow so that she might move her arms, and her hair was braided down her back.

"Fly." She said to her Dragon, the beasts wings spreading across his back and lifting them into the air.

Aegon lead them on Sunfyre, with Vhagar and Vermithor following close behind.

Rhaella could see the flames from miles away as she approached on her Dragon, She could taste the burning of corpses below on her tongue from the smoke that rose up into the air. The trees stood ablaze, and men lay burning on the ground. Neither The Armor of the strongest man, and the wood of the oldest tree could withstand dragon breath.

Arrows still flew into the sky aiming for the beast that roasted the company of soldiers in burning flames.

Then she saw the fury of red scales soaring through the sky, The queen who never was dressed in copper armor on the dragons back.

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