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Chapter Sixty-One~ Miracle


"Where are my boys." Was the first thing Rhaella said, her eyes were defiant and her posture was proper, as to be expected of a princess.

"You will address the queen as your grace." Came a voice, it seemed to be her youngest bastard. Joffery.

Rhaeynera held up her hand, and when she did so, little droplets of her usurped blood trickled down her hand. Rejection. "First you will tell me where my brothers are."

Alicent Hightower let out a strangled scoff, it almost sounded like a cry. "I have told you Princess, my sons are not here."

"I believe I was speaking to my sister." Rhaynera snapped at her old friend, before Turing to her queen's guard. "Bring her before her queen." Then Rhaella felt hands close around her arms, and she was pushed forward and forced to kneel before Rhaynera, beside her mother and her grandfather. "As you were born from my father," She said to Rhaella, "And for some reason I cannot fathom, he loved you," She said to Alicent. "I will give you a final chance to revoke your loyalty to Aegon." She laughed. "But not you Otto Hightower, you will burn for your sins, in the pits of the hells you have spent your life praying against."

The shadow of a beat flew outside the windows, covering the hall in darkness for mere seconds. Rhaella heard her own breath in small silence, heard her own beating heart.

"Rhaynera." Alicent mumbled, not daring to meet the Black Queen's eyes. "Let us present the matter before the old council, as they would in the time of the old king." She said. "Let them decide the matter of succession as they did with your father, if your claim Is as strong as you believe then there shall be no issue."

Rhaella heard Daemon scoff, and she looked up just as her uncle looked down at her. His eyes analysed her, raked over her figure and his iris' danced in delight as he took her in.

It was degrading, kneeling before these people. And as they told her to choose as side once again she wished one of them to just pull a blade across her neck so that she would be able to leave this world behind.

"Do you mistake me for one of your lords?" She spat. "We both know how this council would rule." Rhaynera laughed. It was the kind of laugh Rhaella too often used. The kind of laugh that meant you were on the brink of losing everything, yet you continued to take because it is all you knew. "You have two options here, stepmother." Rhaynera bit. "You yield, or you burn."

In truth Rhaella would much rather burn. Engulfed by flames and remembered a traitor.

But there was work to be done.

"Yield." Rhaella announced. "I yield."

"Rhaella." Her mother muttered. "You must not."

But Rhaella ignored her, and then she stood.

Guards drew their swords, but Prince Daemon held out his arm, instructing the to lay down their weapons.

"I yield, on the condition you take me to my boys." She announced.

Rhaynera's eyes narrowed on her sister. "We have two of your boys captive, yet I know you have a daughter." She said. "Where might she be?"

"She was taken to Old town, under the protection of my uncle and my youngest brother on my husbands orders." The lie was easy on her tongue. "Now please, take me to my sons."

"First your Mother will decide, will she burn in the flames of her sins, or will she bend her Hightower knee in a final pathetic attempt at life." Rhaynera spat.

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