For My Children

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For my children...

I want you all to know that if you are reading this letter because you had to leave me and your father.

I wish more than anything on this world that I could've kept you all. But I know now that this is the only way.

When you're reading this letter you may be too old to remember, but once I had another son, Aerys. He was my first child and he was brave enough to step into the arms of death to protect you all. I will not let his sacrifice be for nothing.

To my last son Aegor, I will have last held you in my arms one moon before your first name day. I had hoped to watch you grow into a man, strong and worthy of the name Targaryen. And though I may never get to see it, I know in my heart that you will. Unfortunately we were not given enough time together, eleven months of knowing your heart is one of the things I am most thankful for. Yet it is not nearly as much time as I hoped to have with you. Your name means of the Gods, and I truly believe you were sent to me from the heavens. Your father believed you would one day become a great warrior, and I see the spark of bravery in your eyes. I love you my boy, my special little boy.

To my Vaegon, You are the mirror of my own heart I wish with every ounce of my being that we had longer together, I wished to of seen you fly your dragon for the first time, command it to set free dozens of flames. Never let them take away your Dragon Vaegon. Your name means courage and determination, those being words I believe describe you well. My sweet boy of rebellion, It has been truly wonderful to see you shape into the man you will soon become. Your brother would've been proud of you, his own little shadow becoming the light of his name. Your father always said you were destined for great things and I know his words to be true. I love you my little dragon, and it breaks me to know I will never see the life you will lead.

To my Daughter Elaena, My beautiful, beautiful girl. You have been granted with the beauty of a million galaxies, You will have everyone falling at your grace. Your name means true light, You were your fathers light, you were my forever. Our little girl. I know it is wrong of me to ask it, because I know you will do it without my request, but ensure nobody takes advantage of you or your siblings. Many believe a pretty face to be an idle mind. But you are smart, smarter than any child I have ever known. Use it my girl. I am proud to have you born of me. I know you will become what the gods have destined you to become, there was never any doubt. I love you forever, and know it hurts me to know that the day I wrote this letter may well be the last time I saw you.

To Viserys. Although I have only known you for two short moons, I have seen the boy you are. You share the name of my father, he was known as Viserys the peaceful. And though he and I did not know each other well I can tell you that he would've been proud of you. You are being carted between strangers , having to live among people that believe you are better dead. But every time I look into your eyes, I see the mirror of my eldest boy, Aerys. I believe in another lifetime the two of you would've been the greatest of friends. You look so similar yet behave so differently. I believe the calmness in your heart may have subsided the chaos in his. You are going to be a wise man Viserys, I can see that when I look at you. One day you may choose to resent me for taking you away from everything you ever knew, but please understand that I wished to protect you, and protect our family name.

I wished to protect you all, that is all I have ever wanted. Your father too, would wish for me to have you all safe and this is the only way.

I have asked Finan and Clarissa to give you all this letter when Aegor has his sixteenth name day. I would've wished to write more but there was not enough time. Today was a day I wished never would've arrived, but I am writing this in the midst of a war. I should've had letters prepared for each of you and I hope you can forgive me for the little effort, because each of you deserves so much more from me.

But please know I never wanted to write this in the first place, I wanted you all with me forever.

But we do not always get what we want children, But I beg the gods above to have you know how much your father and I loved you, and we wished so so much to love you more and more every day.

Goodbye my children,

Your mother

Rhaella Targaryen


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