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Chapter Fifty-Five~ Risk


"Rhaella!" Aemonds voice was angry. "Rhaella!" He shouted again once he had closed the door behind him.

The bed was made, her hound lay on top. The fire didn't burn in the heath. Maybe she wasn't here, but as he turned his eye caught onto the blade that sat above the dresser.

"I know you're here." He muttered lifting the dagger into his hand. "Why did you do it?!" His voice growing louder.

"My, my someone is not very happy." Her voice came from behind the changing screen.
She listened as he rambled on about how reckless she was, before coming out in a sheer robe.
"She barely helped you Aemond, She pranced around doing as she wished, as if she was not a bastard and a whore. They call her a witch, anyone with half a brain would of had her watched."

"What in the seven hells are you talking about?" He muttered eyes raking her figure. "She was giving me the information I needed."

"Was she now?" Rhaella sighed, taking a seat before her dressing mirror. "Is that why she was writing letters to Daemon?" She asked, choosing her lavender oil from the surface.

"What?" His brow furrowed at her words.

"Ah yes!" Rhaella laughed. "Your whore was explaining my situation to her lover."

"You mean Viserys?" Aemond sighed sitting on the bed behind her. "I warned you bringing the boy here would face consequence."

"Which is exactly why I dealt with it." Rhaella shot back. "Apologies for cutting your whore loose." She was being insincere, he could tell. "But even if you were right about Visery, it should not be possible that a whore is able to reveal his presence."

"Well I thank you immensely." He shot back. "I had something to dangle over Daemon and now I've lost her."

"Oh Gods." Rhaella scoffed, rubbing the liquid over her bare shoulder. "Men don't long for whores Aemond, surely you would know this." She turned to face him. "Mind you it's no surprise, you used to steal Aegons toys in hope of causing him upset, one cry would have him with ten more from our mother." Rhaella laughed. "But unfortunately for you, you're not a boy who can steal other people's toys anymore Aemond, your regent." She stood, her words coming out faster than she intended. "God help this child when it's born." She said once she turned awa, biting her lip in realization.

"What?" Aemond questioned. staring at her.

Rhaella rolled her eyes, he was going to find out anyway. It wasn't as though it was a secret and she had just passed the day which marked her fourth month. "Mm." She replied, turning to face him again. "I'm with child." She separated the closed fabric revealing the small curve of her stomach. It was barely noticeable, but he could see it.

Aemond stared at it. He should've noticed it before. How the air around her seemed to radiate with her glow, and how her breasts seemed heavier. She'd been sleeping in longer too, she was always pulling him from his slumber, but now it was he who was letting her rest.

"We're having another baby?" He said softly, hand reaching out to spray across her stomach, gently rubbing the skin, as he looked up at her.

She was so beautiful.

Rhaella nodded, her hand lifting to his hair so she could run her finger through his silver locks. "That is why I had to kill her." It was only a bit of a lie she supposed, of course the dream played a big part of why she had murdered alys. But it was also out of her own twisted sadistic need for blood and death that lead to the woman lying dead within the red keep. "She was writing to tell Daemon, that I have Viserys." She said softly, knowing she had caught him now in a good moment. "If he found out he would've come here, killed our children, me and our unborn baby just so he could have his own take the throne after their mother."

Aemond hated that she was right. He should've done more, kept Alys under more watch. And even though he would not lie with her when she made her advances, there was an aura about her that had him tranced. Perhaps that was her plan all along, seduce Aemond and be Daemon's spy.

"Nothing will hurt the baby." Aemond assured. "I'm sorry." He muttered resting his head on her belly. "I'm so sorry."

Rhaella felt her heart warm slightly. It was rare he apologized for things, but he was his weakest around her. Especially when she was growing his baby in her womb. "It's alright." She whispered stroking the top of his head as it rested against her.

"I love you." He told her, placing a kiss on her skin.

She smiled down at him. "I love you." She replied.

Rhaella hated it here. She was trapped in a place she used to call home. It felt no better than a cell now. White walls to replace iron bars. Fancy wine to replace dirty water. Burning fires to replace the cold. Rhaella to replace the prisoner. A pretty cell, to hide the ugly truth.

"How I wish you had never gone to Mother's chamber that night, we should've left on that boat." Aemond sighed.

"Well we didn't." She replied simply. "And Aerys paid the price." She thought of her boy. Her little boy, so young and so brave. Braver than she was, and that is why he was dead.

Aemond nodded. "I will do right by them, all of them." He traced her stomach again. "They will not come into harms way."

She knew he wanted to mean it. But it was just wishful thinking. Nobody was safe, nobody was able to escape war. It climbed and clawed into everything and everyone like a disease filled parasite.

"Let us worry no more of it." She told him. "And I am sorry if your dead whore has made things difficult."

"No you are not." Aemond laughed softly. "It's not matter anyway, she wasn't important I suppose."

This made her angry. If Alys was not so important, then why did he bring her here? Why would he bring her here. "Then what was she here for, if she was not so important."

Aemond took a deep breath. "Let us speak no more of it Rhaella."

"Aemond." She warned. "Why was she here?" Rhaella looked down at him again. "Did you lay with her?" She questioned, pulling away from him. "I asked you once, and if I find you have lied to me I'll cut your cock from your balls."

Aemond stood, reaching out for her hand. "I have told you, I did not lay with her." He said. "You call me a liar?"

"Perhaps I do!" She shot back. "She tried to poison me you know?" She said angrily. "She tried to poison me with the strangler, I've never once seen it in action, but with her it was a Gods awful sight." She watched as his brows furrowed. "I wonder if she had succeeded would our baby of felt the effects just the same as I."

"Do not speak that way." Aemond warned, wishing to avoid picturing the image that was created in his head.

"Why not?" Rhaella scoffed. "You brought her here, it is your fault she got the chance to even try to kill me!"

"I did not mean for that to happen." Aemond replied, his voice too getting louder. "Do not make out like you were not planning her death the moment you saw her, because then you are the liar."

"Yes! I have! And I should've done worse, I should've cut her skin from her body, drained it of blood and drank it in front of her." Rhaella laughed.
"It seems that you did not mean for a lot to happen, when it concerns our family." Rhaella snapped. "Your actions have already cost me a life." She said.

"That was an accident." Aemond bit. "I would never purposely harm my children."

Rhaella shook her head. "Perhaps not but you have now and you did then." She told him.

"I am the regent, every choice I make has a risk." He replied.

"Do better Aemond." She went toward the door.

"Because if you don't, our heads will be on display because of your stupidity."


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