Chapter 1. Clearsight. The Night Kingdom.

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        It had been months since Clearsight had buried Darkstalker under Agate Mountain. Months since disaster and horror filled the Night Kingdom. And months since Clearsight had truly loved. A cool breeze rustled the leaves on birch trees and rattled their branches. Clearsight tucked in her wings and shifted on her talons. She stared up at Agate Mountain; the mountain in which Darkstalker was buried under right now.

        And would always be. Tears trickled down Clearsight's snout as she remembered everything that had happened when Darkstalker was alive. When they'd met, how he had talked about fire works and living happily ever after. The blanket he'd wrapped around her to keep her warm, and the scroll he'd put a spell on to read itself to them. The flights they had and how amazing she felt when he soothed her with his voice.... But then she remembered all of the bad things that had happened.

        The scroll, Quickdeath, the assassin who was sent by Queen Vigilance to kill Darkstalker, Indigo's attempt to kill him, the earrings that caused Clearsight to see only good visions of the future, the goblet, the wooden sculpture, Darkstalker trying to kill the queen, and, worst of all, Darkstalker enchanting his father to rip himself apart on stage. The sound of thunder rumbling in the distance brought Clearsight out of her thoughts. I need to head home. She thought. Even without the power of fore-seeing, any dragon could tell a storm was coming.

        It was starting to sprinkle and lightning flashed across the dreary, cloud-covered sky. Clearsight spread her star-scattered wings and soared up, into the sky. She didn't look back at the mountain, for regret weighted down on her heart and even just the sight of the mountain would make her cry. But she still visited the mountain every-so-often, for she couldn't stop thinking about the dragon there. Clearsight shook her head fiercely and flew faster, trying to use all of her sadness and regret up by putting it all into her wing-beats.

        Almost like how some dragons would with their anger. She swooped down suddenly, flying low over a river that ran by a valley. Then she rose again and soared over the mountain range and Kingdom of Sand and into her own kingdom, the Night Kingdom. It looked beautiful from up where Clearsight was, with valley's, lakes,  and the small kingdom that spread before the enormous castle. She spotted her house from above and tucked her wings into a dive, only daring to throw out her wings to catch herself when she was only seventy feet above the grass in front of the house.

        She landed with a thud and staggered un-gracefully forward. She opened the old, wooden door at the foot of her house and stepped inside. The house was small, but big enough for her and her family to live in without feeling too cramped. The living room was dimly lit from the windows that were covered with thin curtains that let in some sunlight. It felt...empty in the house. All though Darkstalker never had been in her house, it felt as if something was missing, as if the coziness of her home was taken with Darkstalker when the earthquake hit. As if the happiness had vanished from Clearsight forever, as if she could never be happy again.

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