Chapter 10. Clearsight. The Night Kingdom.

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Clearsight gasped as her eyes snapped open. Daylight shone through the giant leaf-covered window, illuminating her dark room. Was that real? Did I really have a dream that could come true? Clearsight shook her head. I don't know what to believe. She lifted herself out of her bed and went to the desk at the far side of the room. It won't hurt to try and trace a few futures.... Clearsight stood at the desk, ink covering her claw, and furrowed her brow. She tried to think of any possible futures. Minutes passed, than hours, and all the poor NightWing seer got was a stained claw.

She sighed and tried her best to clean off her ink-stained claw. Not much came off. Clearsight padded away from the desk and looked outside her window. Birds were chirping as the sun started to climb high into the sky. I must have slept all day and night! She thought, amazed. Clearsight watched as the birds hopped around on the tree branches; trying to distract herself from that awful thought that seemed to echo in her brain: Why can't I see any futures? She couldn't, though. Even her excitement about Darkstalker possibly coming back couldn't shy that thought away.

Clearsight gasped and raced out of her room, through the cave, and out the door without noticing her parents' greetings. She shook out her wings and leaped into the air. She felt so frustrated. Worry clouded her mind like a storm. I haven't had a vision in months! She thought as she soared into the clear, blue sky. She felt revealed flying in the daylight, but that didn't matter. After she panicked about the big decision she had about if she should even bring Darkstalker back (Which was an obvious yes), and how she hadn't had any visions, a small thought slipped into her mind like a drop of water trickling into a larger body of water.

What would Fathom think?

Why was his opinion important to her? Because he had helped her trap Darkstalker in his eternal slumber. It was the only choice at the time, and they hadn't thought much about how everything would actually be afterwards. Of course, Fathom might have, but Clearsight had been so panicked; like she always was, or so Darkstalker had said. Clearsight wondered what Fathom and Indigo were up to now: They were probably enjoying the water, like any SeaWing would. Clearsight swooped under a dazed bird and threw out her wings to catch the air current.

"It's like the ocean," Fathom had told her when she had gone to visit him through his magic. "There are currents that push this way and that. Catch the wrong one, and you might find yourself flying in the opposite direction!" Clearsight already knew this, but it was nice to talk to Fathom about something normal. Not about- well, Darkstalker's family or himself. Clearsight felt tears build up in her eyes as she turned her head to see Agate Mountain from where she was flying. She tilted her wings toward it and rode the current there.

She glanced down, watching the Night Kingdom pass in no time at all. All of the NightWings would be asleep now, since they were nocturnal. Clearsight realized she hadn't been sleeping at night for some time! I'm surprised the queen hasn't tried to track me down at my own home yet. She thought. Or maybe she doesn't think I'm missing? That was impossible: Queen Vigilance was always barging into her corridor in the palace every few hours, checking the scrolls to see what all she had written down or just making sure she hadn't left.

Clearsight rolled her eyes at the thought of the loud queen. Then she remembered what had happened to her, Darkstalker, Queen Vigilance, how Allknowing had tried to convince Vigilance that Darkstalker was evil with a mumbo-jumbo prophecy she had made up. A cold breeze whipped the NightWing's tail back and forth, and she rocketed around. She flapped her wings wildly until she steadied herself. Or, as well as any dragon could in mid-flight. Agate Mountain seemed to grow ten times as huge as Clearsight made it to the same spot she had gone to last time.

She landed gracefully on all four talons and tucked her wings to her sides. She padded over to the mountain and looked at the giant pile of rocks surrounding some parts of it. Clearsight let out a miserable whimper as she remembered the day she had tricked Darkstalker and dragged him into the cave. Clearsight sat down and wrapped herself in her wings. She stayed there for a while, peeking through her wing-shield at the mountain. After a while, Clearsight let her wings fall to the ground on either side of her.

She couldn't wait any longer to meet the mystery dragon from her dream; she had made up her mind, and she was going to see the SeaWing as soon as she could. Clearsight lay on her side and closed her eyes. It was a while before her buzzing mind slowed, and sleep overcame her.

Fog surrounded the silhouetted NightWing as she padded across the unknown ground. She wasn't sure where she was, but she was sure of who was waiting for her there. "Hello?" she called, anxious to get this over with. "Greetings, Clearsight." a slimy voice replied, startling her. Sharp, menacing yellow teeth shone at her from deeper in the shadows, and a dark green SeaWing emerged. There was a pack made from animal skin weaved around his neck.

Clearsight wondered what was in it. "I-I've made up my mind." Clearsight said, trying not to sound afraid; but her voice wavered, betraying her. The strange dragon continued to smile as he nodded slowly. "Yes...." he hissed through gritted teeth. Clearsight felt a shiver go through her back as she watched the SeaWing come closer. The strange dragon was now only a claw length from her face, and she could smell his awful breath.

"And what is your decision...?" he asked, weaving his tail around his front talons. Clearsight took a step back, terrified. "I-yes." she replied. "Yes, bring him back." The SeaWing's teeth glinted. "I thought so," he murmured, almost to himself. Clearsight took another cautious step back. "What do I owe you?" she asked. The SeaWing padded closer to her. "Your power." Clearsight's eyes widened. "It doesn't work anymore." she said boldly.

The SeaWing grabbed one of her forearms with his tail, quick as a snake. "It will." the SeaWing was now frowning. Clearsight shuddered and tried to yank her claw away, but his grip was too strong. "You will visit me everyday. That is when you will work for me. You will predict futures and anything I ask of you. There are some secrets I need to know about the other tribes." he said. Clearsight thought about it, and knew that she couldn't refuse. Her love for Darkstalker was too great.

"And if I don't?" Clearsight asked. The SeaWing released Clearsight's forearm. "Than you will predict futures and be trapped here. Forever."

Than the SeaWing was gone, the dream faded, and Clearsight was in reality once more.

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