Chapter 2. Fathom. The Kingdom of the Sea.

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        Fathom flapped his wings, making sand, seashells, and small hermit crabs sail across the beach. Fathom didn't even notice. He could see the Island where the Summer Palace was growing inside of it from where he was, and it reminded him of the dragon who was buried under a mountain right now. He hoped Clearsight was successful burying Darkstalker. She must have been, because nothing bad has happened in a long time to Fathom or any dragon he knew of. He continued flapping his wings, although he wasn't flapping them for any reason, it kind of just...felt nice.

         Something tapped him on his shoulder and he whipped his head around, startled. Indigo stood there. "Are you okay?" she asked, brushing her wing against his. Fathom grunted, unsure of what to say. Indigo sat down beside him, putting her weight on her haunches and twining her tail around his. "Are you thinking about Darkstalker again?" she guessed. Fathom nodded. Ever since the day he and Clearsight had stopped Darkstalker, he felt more afraid of things that he was only a little afraid of before.

         Like he was only a little afraid to use his animus magic, but then there was the SeaWing massacre, Albatross went crazy and killed his sister, along with Fathom's parents, and many other dragons, family members, and royal heirs to both the SeaWing and SkyWing throne. And then there was Darkstalker, whom Fathom was supposed to help him learn to stop using his powers. But Darkstalker didn't listen, and he started to turn evil. He used spell, after spell, after spell. Each time he did, the magic chipped at his soul. Fathom felt Indigo lean into him.

         "He won't find us." she mumbled. "We're safe now. He's gone, Fathom." Fathom didn't agree with her, but he didn't argue. He figured he'd better keep his worries to himself. Only a few moments later, Indigo stood up and headed to a palm tree with four, hairy coconuts hanging from the top. "Do you remember the day you found out you were an animus?" Indigo said, flying up and plucking one of the coconuts off of the tree. "Yes," Fathom said. "why are you bringing this up?" Indigo rolled her eyes and landed with a thump a few tail-lengths away from him.

        "I don't want you to use your magic, but...." she said, tossing the coconut to him. "I also don't want you to be afraid of it. I know I'm afraid of Darkstalker and how he turned evil and how I want you to keep your soul. But maybe we can have a little fun from time to time." Fathom caught the coconut she threw and looked at it in confusion. "And what am I to do with this thing?" he asked, tossing it from claw to claw. "Enchant it!" Indigo called. "Make it do something." Fathom felt a lurch of fear in his stomach, was this safe?

         "But what about what you said about, 'never use your magic, Fathom. It's dangerous, I don't want you to end up like you-know-who'?" Indigo looked at him with an expression he didn't quite understand. "I don't remember saying that." she said. "Come on, I'm bored." she pleaded. Indigo did not sound like the strong, no-animus dragon he knew. "That's not an excuse to use dangerous magic that might make me kill everybody." Fathom pointed out, but Indigo ignored him. "Just do it. It'll be fun." "okay...." Fathom said, and lifted the coconut to his snout.

        "Coconut," he whispered to it. "Turn into a..." he hesitated. "Turn into a seagull and fly over Indigo. And then..." suddenly an idea hit Fathom. "And then find Clearsight as fast as you can. Once you find her, land in front of her and turn into a scroll with a written message on it. The message says, "Dear, Clearsight. This is Fathom. I hope you are feeling well. If you would like to come see Indigo and I, crumple this scroll into a ball and whisper, "Fathom"." Then, scroll, you will teleport Clearsight here if you hear her whisper, "Fathom"." Fathom finished.

        Just then, the coconut turned into a small seagull and soared over Indigo only inches from her head. Then it flew away into the distance. "Nice!" Indigo said. She looked around, searching for the seagull. "But, where did it go?" Fathom realized he probably shouldn't have done that. "I sent it to get Clearsight."

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