Chapter 21. Pearl. The Deep Palace.

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Pearl glared at Fathom, seething rage surging through her veins. Her subjects, the loyal SeaWing tribe, were all gazing at her-- desperately awaiting her response. She breathed heavily, flicking her tail back and forth as she tried to control herself. She couldn't attack this traitor. Not yet, at least. I always knew you were a traitor to your tribe. she said through the flashing of her scales. Fathom's grin only angered her more.

"Traitor"? he flashed back, his bioluminescent scales bold and bright. He quirked a smile, his crooked expression taunting her. Challenging her.

Oh, truly, Pearl, I am hurt. Now, quit changing the subject. Fathom bared his teeth, eyes narrowed. Pearl nearly flinched, but she stopped herself. Flinching was a sign of weakness. Something Fathom would use against her. She tried to relax her muscles so she wouldn't appear so tense. It was a miserable attempt. She remained stiff as she looked into the eyes of the green dragon.

Get out of my kingdom. She said. Fathom's lips twitched, a look of amusement in his gaze. Pearl felt her heart leap into her throat when she saw one of the spears sink closer to her skull. Pearl, do not make me do this. There is a... better way. Fathom curled his tail comfortably around his talons, knowing there was nothing she could do to harm him.

Pearl's heart beat faster every second. She was so close to death. So near. Yet so were so many of her subjects-- young and old dragons of the sea. She couldn't let them down. She just couldn't.

So failure wasn't an option.

What else do you want? She asked carefully. Another spear came closer to her skull. Pearl's eyes flicked from the spears and back to Fathom. Spears. Fathom. Spears. Traitor.

Fathom breathed heavily, a stream of bubbles escaping his mouth. Enough of this. I'm getting bored. He responded. He flicked a talon, and a spear rushed through the water, headed towards the other SeaWings.

Pearl's eyes widened, fear gripping her so tight she couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. A shriek filled the water around her, and bubbles and blood came from one of the bigger SeaWings. She surged forward, as if to save them, but just then a jolt of pain stabbed through her, and she looked down to see a spear halfway through her foot.

She roared, writhing in pain as she sank back to the ocean floor, tears mixing with the water around her. STOP! she flashed desperately. The bleeding SeaWing sank to the floor, eyes stricken with pain. Pearl began to choke up, misery and defeat drowning her. PLEASE. You can have the kingdom... just don't hurt anyone else.​

​​​​ She hardly noticed Fathom's wicked grin between her tears, but she knew deep down that this was the most satisfying thing for him yet. His enemy admitting defeat at last. Wise decision. he said, and swam gracefully toward her. He held her chin in his talon so that she would be forced to look him in the eyes.

Pearl couldn't sum up the energy to glare back at him as more blood pooled around her foot.

Fathom released her chin, and her gaze sank to the floor. She couldn't look at her subjects. Not after this. She knew from this moment on she would be known as the pathetic heir. The "queen" who couldn't protect her own subjects from harm. But it didn't matter. At least no other SeaWing would get hurt. Hopefully.

Fathom, a grin across his face, carefully removed the crown from her head. The sudden loss of the weight made her feel even worse. As if a part of her was missing. She was being demoted from her proper place.

Fathom raised the crown above his head and placed it over his horns. He raised his chin, lifting his head high and gazing at the ex-queen below him. Pearl cautiously raised her head to look up at him.

Perfect. You made the right decision, Queen Pearl. Or should I say... ex-queen Pearl. The dragon who abandoned her throne simply because she couldn't take any pain. The dragon who would rather crown a "traitor" than to take responsibility into her own talons. Fathom said, flashing his scales brighter than usual so the rest of the SeaWings could see his message.

He turned to address the crowd around him. No tribe deserves such a pathetic ruler. No coward could ever take care of their subjects. Abandoning your dragons... giving away your throne. It's an act of betrayal. An act of treason. At that, the emerald green dragon whipped around and smirked.

So because of these factors, you will now be executed. If you have any last words, say them now.

Scales itching with more rage than she had ever felt in her life, Pearl straightened up and lifted her eyes to acknowledge her former subjects. Do not let this dragon fool you. She said, though she didn't feel very confident behind her words. If anything, she was desperate.

This traitor will never replace any of the great queens. He will never become anything more than a lying, scheming, cowardly dragon. He will never be one of our kind! She turned to give King Fathom one last glare.

May you die as you truly are. A traitor. Fathom frowned, and with one twitch of his tail, a spear swarmed through the water and stabbed into the back of Pearl's skull.

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