Chapter 23. Clearsight. Agate Mountain.

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Darkstalker looked away. "I already know that," he said softly. "But... Just imagine. Think of a world where we could have that future." he turned to Clearsight yet again. "Do you see any visions of it?" Clearsight closed her eyes, tracing the futures in her mind. Her eyelids twitched as her eyes moved back and forth, up and down.

Finally, she opened her eyes.

"I see them," she answered at last. Darkstalker's eyes twinkled with interest. "What exactly did you see?" he asked eagerly. Clearsight shifted her wings, stretching them out after laying around for so long.

"Well...." she thought about her visions, deciding which one she should tell him first. "I saw us in the kingdom, happy. We had a few dragonets, all of them happily flipping around the place. I saw Whiteout resting peacefully. And I saw Listener and Thoughtful...." she paused.

"That sounds fantastic!" Darkstalker cried before she could finish. "See? This is exactly what I pictured--" "Darkstalker, wait." He stopped himself, confused.

"I didn't finish."

"What do you mean? You told me the future."

"Yes, but not all of it."

Darkstalker sighed. "Alright, love, whatever you say. What did you see?" Clearsight turned her gaze onto the distant sand dunes, letting the visions blur her view.

"I saw them... Hurt. I don't know how, but they just... Something is going to happen to them...." she trailed off. The vision was too fast-- either because the event would be unavoidable, or easily avoided.

Either way, Clearsight was anxious to know what events would take place.

Darkstalker flicked his tail. "I'm sure everything will be fine. After all, we could prevent it. If we ruled...." Clearsight shook her head. "That's not exactly how these visions work. You can't just change something big so easily." she hadn't noticed the hint of anger in her voice until Darkstalker went quiet. "Sorry," she said.

Darkstalker approached her swiftly, wrapping a wing around her. "It's fine, love." he said. "We'll figure it out eventually.... So, I suppose this means your visions work, correct?" he said, professionally changing the subject.

Clearsight nodded. "Yes, they work now. Thank you," Then she remembered why exactly she so desperately needed them back. She glanced up at the sun, checking the time. It was growing dark fast.

"Darkstalker," she said, turning to head back into the cave anxiously. "Could we talk about this later? I'm exhausted...." That was a bit of a lie-- she wasn't very tired. She just needed an excuse to make her visit before dusk. Darkstalker nodded, yawning although he had just woken up. "Sure," he said, trailing behind her. "Tomorrow, we can figure out what to do."

Clearsight felt a wave of love for him, but it faded quickly, replaced by pure anxiety. "Thank you," she said curtly, picking up the pace. She raced inside and curled up near the entrance, her tail over her nose.

Darkstalker curled up beside her, spreading his wing over her. "Goodnight, love." he murmured, before drifting into a deep sleep. "Goodnight," Clearsight said, and closed her eyes. It took a long time, but eventually, sleep managed to find her yet again.

The dark, familiar fog swirled around her, pulling at her talons as she crossed the stone ground.

​​​​​ "...hello?" she called out carefully. Her scales prickled with unease as she searched for the same crazy SeaWing as before. Two identical spots of light peered at her from beyond, and she blinked. "Hello? Is that you?"

​​​​ The two lights approached fast, and in an instant, the SeaWing was standing before her. His wicked grin showed his sickly yellow teeth. "Hello, dear." he said, his voice slimy. Her scales prickled again, but she held her ground and refused to flinch in his presence.

​​​​​​ "Where have you been? It's been so long...." Clearsight shivered. She wasn't sure what to say. "I...." "...yes?" the SeaWing prodded impatiently, his lips turning downward in the beginnings of a frown.

​​​​​ "I- I was with Darkstalker." she explained frankly. The SeaWing nodded, backing a way a bit. "Yes.... Good. That means it worked. Now, are you ready?"

​​​​​​ Clearsight gulped. "...yes."

​​​​​​ The SeaWing smiled. "Good. Now come, dear. You have much work to do." he led her across the floor toward a circle of light on the ground. Clearsight looked around, but there appeared to be no source for the light, so she didn't know how it was there. When she looked back at the dim circle of light, she noticed three blank scrolls: one unrolled and held down with a small rock, and two rolled up and piled on top of eachother.

​​​ There was a singular jar of ink to the right of the paper.

​​​​​ "This is where you will work everyday for the next.... Forever." The SeaWing said, and laughed. He clicked his claws together. "You look nervous. It's alright to be nervous, but either way, you will come here. Understood?" Clearsight nodded slowly.

​​​​​ "Good.... Now, get to work. I want you to see into the eyes of your lover. What future is beheld?" Clearsight, talons shaking, took her place before the scrolls and lay on the cold, stone ground. She closed her eyes and searched for the futures, tracing down the many paths.

​​​​​​ Once she found a few possibilities, she opened her eyes, dipped a claw in the jar of ink, and began scribbling down on the scroll.

​​​ Day 1.

​​​​​ Darkstalker is king of the NightWings. He has ruled for many years. He has a few dragonets, all of them pure NightWings. He has wiped out half of the IceWing tribe. His wife is... I can't see a mate in his future.

​​​​​ Clearsight blinked and thought about what she had just written. No mate in his future? How else did he have children? So she looked again, and she saw herself. But... moments after having her children, she was gone.

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