Chapter 18. Pearl. The Deep Palace.

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Queen Pearl of the SeaWings rested on her throne, her chin in the palms of her talons. She glanced around the room from her place, scanning the area. There were four guards in the throne room altogether: Two on either side of her, and two beside the entrance. They were silent, as was she. So that wasn't out of the ordinary, but... Pearl gazed around once more.

Something was wrong.

Just as she had the thought, a blue SeaWing guard swam through the entrance, blood clouding the water around him. He flashed something in Aquatic, but Pearl hadn't been able to see it through the blood. The four other guards, once stiff and motionless, seemed to spring to life. The two at the entrance greeted the guard urgently, flashed something back in Aquatic, and whipped around to face where the first wounded dragon had come from.

Both guards beside the throne gripped their spears and held them in defensive positions, copying the other two. The bleeding SeaWing swam forward, bowed to the queen, and said, Queen Pearl, excuse my panic, but I came to tell you as soon as I possibly could-- He paused and looked up at the queen, as if asking for permission to continue. Pearl nodded and flashed back, Go on, then.

It's Fathom, he's returned! He said quickly, and sputtered up another cloud of blood. He tried to swipe it out of the way so Pearl could see the rest of his message. He's turned evil, like Albatross! We're under attack! The guards looked up at Pearl, begging for answers, orders, anything.

Pearl pushed off of the throne to give her a boost of speed as she swam down, toward the injured SeaWing. Where is he? She demanded. The SeaWing began to flash his bioluminescent scales in response, but stopped mid-sentence. Pearl grabbed his shoulders and asked once more: Where is he?!

​ But it was too late. The SeaWing gurgled one last time. He went still. His lifeless carcass floated in the water. Pearl let out an anguished roar, which was pretty much blocked out by the surrounding water, and whipped around. She gestured for her guards to follow her with one flick of her tail and raced out of the throne room.

Dragon screams echoed through the water, which sounded more like an enormous waterfall than roars of agony and fear. Pearl lead the way through the Deep Palace, searching for her dying subjects.

At last, they entered the courtyard, where chaos swam every which way. There were SeaWings of all different colors and sizes swimming away from the palace, but most of them were intercepted by enchanted weapons zipping through the sea.

And in the center of it all, sitting with his tail wrapped delicately around his hind legs, was none other than the animus SeaWing, Fathom.

Pearl swam toward him, propelling herself forward with her large tail. What have you done?! She demanded in Aquatic, her scales so bright they blinded the green SeaWing. Pearl stood a few dragon-lengths before him, teeth bared and claws gripping the sand below her.

She couldn't attack this traitor. Not without getting killed. Fathom eyed her closely, a smirk forming along his features. He flicked his claws, and for a moment the chaos seemed to pause. The weapons froze, but they remained pointed at their targets.

Then out of nowhere, five spears came straight for Queen Pearl.

The queen ducked, terrified, and braced herself for pain. She could already imagine the weapons piercing her flesh, and she had flashbacks of Albatross's attack. She whimpered softly. But when the pain never came, she looked up.

Fathom was towering over her, teeth bared menacingly. Look at you, he said with a smirk. They call you a queen? Your tribe's savior? You're just as pathetic as the others. Pearl glared up at him and lifted herself to her feet. She was about to snap something back, but then she noticed the five spears hovering around her skull and thought better of it.

Fathom let out a sinister laugh, and bubbles of water whirled around in front of his head. Look around, he said. Look at the many dying dragons. Now tell me if you're their leader, or a cowardly shrimp. Pearl tried to make herself look regal; she needed her subjects to believe she could handle the situation.

...If there were any subjects left...

What do you want, Fathom? She said instead. The green dragon sat back on his haunches and examined his claws. What do I want? He echoed, and looked thoughtful for a moment. I want what you have. The throne.

Queen Pearl glowered at him. A king cannot rule a tribe! She flashed. Fathom bared his teeth in the beginnings of a snarl. And I see you're doing a fantastic job yourself, aren't you? Pearl lashed her tail. The two guards behind her stepped forward, but she gestured for them to remain still. Fathom saw the two and flicked his claws, sending two spears their way.

No! Pearl flashed. But before she could do anything, the two spears zipped past her and went straight through the guard's throats.

Their eyes were filled with shock, and they struggled for a few long, horrible seconds, before the life left them. Their limp, bloody bodies floated behind Pearl as she turned her head to face Fathom.

Look what you did! She said. Tears fell from her eyes and mixed with the water around her. No dragon would have been able to notice it, though.

Fathom shrugged. You shouldn't doubt a powerful animus. I'll have you know that if-- no, when I am king of the SeaWings, I will be a thousand times more powerful than you will ever be. So, He said, his eyes glittering with satisfaction. You can either hand over the throne, or join those two guards in the afterlife.

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