Chapter 17. Clearsight. Agate Mountain.

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Clearsight watched Listener as she stared blankly at them both. She gave Darkstalker a confused look, and he shrugged. "Welcome back, Darkstalker." Listener said, her tone calm and flat. She dipped her head to the bigger NightWing. Darkstalker nodded back and flicked his claws, but Clearsight wasn't sure why. He wouldn't cast a spell. Not as soon as he wakes up...?

"Thank you, Listener. Why don't you go check in on Whiteout?" he said, staring into her eyes as if he were challenging her to deny his suggestions. Listener bowed, stretched out her wings, and flew back to the entrance of the cave. Clearsight was confused. "What?" she said, frowning. "All of that drama.... Now this?" What is up with that dragon? ​​​​​​

Darkstalker shifted his wings around, then approached Clearsight again. "Clearsight, dear." he crooned, his lips turning up in the beginnings of a smile. "I'm so glad to see you. I must have been asleep for ages...." Clearsight shook herself from head to tail, trying to bring herself back to reality. She just couldn't believe Darkstalker-- her Darkstalker --was awake at last.

"I--" she stuttered, and wrapped her wings around him. Her eyes burned, and tears streamed down her face. "Darkstalker, love, I-- I'm so happy.... I missed you so much. I'm so, so sorry for putting you to sleep...." Suddenly, Darkstalker stiffened. Startled, Clearsight pulled away from him. "What's wrong?" she asked, wiping her face. Darkstalker looked down at her, and a frown formed on his face.

"What? Darkstalker, you're making me uncomfortable. What is it?" she begged, feeling panic rise in her chest. Had she done something wrong? Was he okay after the earthquake? Had she hurt him on accident? "Of course. That was how it happened." The big NightWing murmured. He pointed an accusing claw at his lover.

"You put me to sleep with the help of that nasty SeaWing. I remember now." Clearsight sniffled. "Darkstalker, I know. I'm so sorry-- I shouldn't have done that. I could hardly live with myself." Her words were swift, and her voice anxious, as she explained everything to him. From the night she had banished him to sleep under the mountain, to every day after that. Her misery as every day wore on, every sunset reminding her of the bloody, traumatic events that had taken place. Of his sister, the queen, and Arctic's burial.

She told him everything but how she managed to break him free. That, she would never share.

Darkstalker couldn't look at her for a moment, as if his brain were trying to fill the gaps in his memory.

"I see...." he said after a while. Then he turned his gaze back to Clearsight, his eyes filled with sadness. "But that can't stop us, right? We can still ru-- we can still be together, my love. We can work all of this out."

Clearsight sobbed again, and flipped her head onto Darkstalker's shoulder. She was so glad he had forgiven her, even after everything they had been through together. "Yes," she murmured. "We can figure this out. I promise, my love. We can get through this-- so long as we're together...."

Darkstalker reached out with his arms and wings, taking Clearsight into his strong embrace. Clearsight smiled through her sobs of relief, and she twined her tail around his.

"Together. I like the sound of that." Darkstalker murmured. Clearsight looked up at him, eyes shining with hope, and nodded her agreement. She closed her eyes.

And after months of misery, her happiness had returned.

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