Today's The Day That Binds My Life to Kelly's

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Sherry planned the whole thing. And it was a week from when Kelly and I got engaged, which wasn't a lot of time. The ceremony would be happening in the same church my dads funeral was at, the reception at the whiskey.

Sherry would be my maid of honor and my only bridesmaid. I don't have any friends except for the guys. Steve would be Kelly's best man, the rest of them groomsmen.

As for the guest list, it would be friends of the guys, Faster Pussycat, and Kelly's parents. I wasn't really big on weddings. I was 2 when my parents got married.

I was currently with Sherry, shopping for a dress. "This one is too fucking poofy." I said to Sherry. "I agree, you look like you're being eaten by a fucking cloud." She said. I laughed. I tried on another one and another.

"Wait, this one, I love this one." I said. Sherry smiled. "Erin, you're getting married." She smiled. I nodded. "It's weird, but it's a good weird." I said. She nodded.

We got the dress and Sherry took it to her apartment. I went home. My casts for my leg and wrist didn't stay long and I was glad. Apparently I was lucky for someone who got hit by car, on motorcycle nonetheless.

When I got home, the door was unlocked, Kelly was there with an older woman. . "Hey Kelly." I said. "Hey Erin, this is my mom." I turned to her and I smiled. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said. I nodded. "Kelly speaks very highly of you." I said. She laughed. "I could say the same to you."

Everything for the wedding was now set. I love Kelly's mom, she's the time of mom I wish I had growing up. "We're from France. Hen-Kelly was born in France." She told me. She was making us dinner. "I didn't know that." I said. "Kelly isn't his real name either." His mom said.

"What is it." I asked. "C'mon Mom, she doesn't want to know that." He said. "Sure I do." I said. His mom smiled. "His name is Henri." She said. "You don't look like Henri. That could be because all I've ever known you as is Kelly Nickels. You're just Kell to me." I said.

He smiled. After we were done eating, Kelly's mom left to run errands. "How are you feeling?" He asked me. "I'm okay, what about you?" I asked him. He smiled and wrapped me in a hug. "I'm fucking phenomenal. Did you find a dress with Sherry today?" He asked.

I pulled away from the big and I smiled. "Yes I did." I told him. He smiled bigger. "How's things with the band going?" I asked him. "Since we played at the Whiskey, we're close to getting a record deal, someone from a record company was at the show we played the other night." He a explained.

"That's great!" I said. "Definitely."

Eventually his mom came back. She was staying in my room and I was staying in Kelly's.  Kelly and I went to sleep. "When I woke up the next morning Kelly wasn't there, but where he was laying was a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and a note.

Went to go see the guys, thought you'd need these.
                Love Kell

I smiled and took out a cigarette, lighting it. I had to go pick up my mom. I didn't have enough money to give her a funeral and she didn't leave with me with anything so all I could afford was to have her cremated.

I got dressed, grabbed my cigarettes and my keys. I didn't want to keep her ashes around, so I went to her favorite places. I put some on the side walk of a bar she went to called Patrick's, another bar called Nightshade, the side wall of the whiskey, some in the grass at the church my parents took me to as a kid and her house.

I was now parentless, whether that be for the best or the worst. I had to meet with Sherry about stuff for the wedding, so I got in my car and drove to her place.

"Hey Erin." She said as she opened the door and let me in. "Hey Sherry." We sat down at her kitchen table and she poured some coffee. It was later in the day but Jesus Christ, she survived on caffeine.

"So everything should be set, we have the guests, the people, the food, the cake. But something's missing." She said. I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows. "What, what's missing?" I asked.

She took a drink of her coffee and looked at me. "We don't have a flower girl and nobody to walk you down the isle." She said. Now this was a problem. "I don't have anymore family. I'm the only one left." I said.

She furrowed her eyebrows and thought for a moment. She then smiled. "I have a genius fucking idea." She said. To solve the flower girl problem, she was going to have each of the guests throw them from their sides of the church pews. It was a nice idea.

Then was the problem of who was going to walk me down the isle. I racked my brain for people who could walk me down the isle and then it fucking hit me. "Phil." I said. Sherry furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?" She asked. I didn't tell her that Phil and I happened, but I should.

"Phil and I used to be a thing." I told her. Her mouth went wide and then she closed it. "When was this?" She asked. I laughed. "Before Brent, before Kelly, before I met you. It's over now and we're both happy. He's my best friend besides you." I said. She nodded.

"Then I guess Phil's walking you down the isle." She smiled. Everything was now figured out and I was thankful for it. No more stress. All I had to do now was meet Kelly at the altar on Saturday at two.

Saturday came faster than I expected. It was Friday night and I was staying the night at Sherry's place. She wouldn't let Kelly and I see each other until tomorrow, something about bad luck.

"Do you and Kelly want any kids?" Sherry asked as she got into bed next to me. I looked at her. "My parents were horrible. At times they were just like normal parents. I don't want to turn out like they did. Fuck, I don't know, maybe one day. Maybe four." I said.

Sherry smiled. "You and Kelly would have cute kids, neither one of you is unattractive, far from it actually." I laughed. "What about you and Tracii, what's the deal there?" I asked her.

She and Tracii started dating around the same I was in the hospital. They fit well together. "I think, I think I love him." She smiled. I smiled and took her hand. "Look at us, two best friends , in healthy relationships. Who would of thought I'd find myself a sister amongst this fucking train wreck of my life." I said.

Sherry laughed. "I have no idea, but I'm glad you did." We then went to sleep.

Holy fucking Hell. I was getting married tomorrow. To my roommate who I met about a year ago, no longer my roommate, but my life.

I woke up to a pillow being thrown at me. I rolled over and groaned. "Sherry, what the fuck?" I said glaring at her. "Sorry, but you're getting married today." She said grabbing my ankle and pulling me out of the bed and dragging me to the bathroom.

I laughed. "What the fuck, Sher, I have legs you know." She stopped when we reached the bathroom." I know, but if I didn't drag you, you wouldn't of gotten up. I nodded. After she left I got into the shower.

Today was the day that would bind my life to Kelly's. Scary.

Life's Better When You Gotta Bassist In It // L.A. Guns •Kelly Nickels•Where stories live. Discover now