Premonition: Invisible Ties(2)

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Once we were close enough, we began our attack once more. It was like a repeat of what happened earlier...but this time it will be different. We will finish this man once and for all! The armored man began his chain of attacks once more. Each being blocked until one was finally countered. I began charging Thoron once more. The purple man fired a magical spell at the armored man which was narrowly evaded, he begun making his counter attack until he teleported away.

Chrom: Up there!

I directed my attention above me, when the purple man unleashed an attack that I successfully avoided and countered. Though he teleported at the last moment.

Validar: You fool!

Out of nowhere, he came out and attacked the armored man. As he struggled to get to his feet, the purple man was preparing his attack. Death was looming above him...I had to act quickly to save him!

Valider: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! DIE!

At the last second, I managed to block his attack with my Thoron. Smoke covered the field for a few moments. When it had lifted, I saw that the purple man's attention was fully directed towards me. 'Once and for all...this long war will finally be over' I thought to myself.

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