"So what am I suppose to be? Some kind of slave?!" I questioned them. Lissa turned towards me, "Oh don't worry we won't do anything bad, after all we're the Shepherds!" A spark of confusion flew through me, "You tend to sheep...fully coated in armor? Doesn't that seem uncomfortable? Even in the slightest??" I asked. "Quite the dangerous job, just ask Frederick the Wary," Chrom said. "A title I shall wear with great pride, I have every reason to trust you stranger, though a simple no-nothing can't just waltz into the Shepherds." said Frederick. "I understand sir. I would do the same if it meant protecting the ones I care about. My name is Robin by the way...how strange, it just popped in my head." I said. Lissa giggled a bit and kept on walking.
I softly sighed. "Don't worry, we'll let you free as soon as we prove that you are no threat to Ylisse." Chrom said. "Milord are you absolutely sure about this? We know nothing of the man yet he still continues to play the role of an innocent. Quite the convincing actor indeed if not watched carefully." Frederick chimed in. "Frederick, please! Can't you see he's all confused n' stuff!? We HAVE to help him! Regardless if he's a threat or not!" Lissa stepped in to defend my helplessness. "Relax guys, we're almost there." Chrom finally ended their miniature quarrel. Lissa's face went pale, "Chrom...look!" She pointed to the town not to distant from here. "Damn, the town is in blazes, it's those Brigands again,"Chrom's expression dimmed as well, "Frederick, Lissa, we must make haste, lives are at stake here!" "But what about him?" Frederick looked towards me. "Unless he's bleeding out, it can wait!" Chrom replied and ran off. "A wise decision milord." Frederick said and the two followed him towards the degrading town. "Oh, but wait!" I said and sighed. I don't believe it would be much help if I were to remain here. Shortly after they left, I chased after them.
A Hidden Story [Cancelled]
RandomA fanfic based off of the game Fire Emblem: Awakening! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within the world of Ylisse lies a confused, amnesic man who somehow finds his way into a group of future heroes...