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(Updated 9/23/24 @12:27 AM)

No Ones POV
"Y/N, you will be going to nevermore for the rest of the year. I'm tired of you always getting suspended or expelled." Kate said while she up finished making dinner, setting the food onto the dining table. "WHAT?! BUT NEVERMORE IS SO FAR AWAY!" Y/N yelled, jumping up from her seat at the dinner table while shoving her chair back. "Y/N do not speak to your mother like that!" Her father scolded, slamming his hand into the table with a loud bang. "She's not my mother and never will be! My mother is dead!" It was 6 pm and the L/N 'family' was fighting again. They always fought over stuff like this. "Y/N! I'm hurt you think like that, I gave birth to you! You should respect me!" Kate angrily slammed a tray with chicken onto the table, she looked like she was about to wolf-out, but then again she always looked angry or upset around Y/N. "That means nothing to me! You're just a dumb surrogate!"
A loud slap echoed though out the dimly light house hold as Y/N held her now scratched face in shock. "Don't you DARE disrespect me like that ever again brat. I'm the only reason your alive!"
And with that, Y/N was sent to bed without dinner once again, thank god because Kate's food was horrible.
After about a week, Y/N was dropped off at Nevermore, the sky grey with storm clouds, although it seemed to be clearing up. "Maybe once you come back you'll actually treat your mother with the respect she deserves." Y/N and her 'parents' had just left the office, and now she was about to meet her new roommate. Hopefully she was nice.

"Y/N, this is your new roommate, Wednesday." Y/N only nodded her head in acknowledgement as she looked around the room. The right half was black and white, with a Victorian era vibe, while the left half was bright with lots of rainbows. There was a girl on the left half packing up some clothes, she must be the girl Y/N is replacing. The bright and rainbow loving girl looked over at Y/N and immediately ran over. "Hi there, i'm Enid! I guess your the girl who's taking my place. What's your name?" Geez, she talks a lot. "Y/N, and sorry about taking your dorm." She says, looking around some more. "Oh, it's ok! I was getting kinda bored with the lack of change anyways!" She said while practically jumping up and down. "Just gimmie a minute and I'll be finished packing, then i can help you unpack!" Whilst Enid and Y/N were talking, Wednesday was carefully listening in on their conversation, trying to gather any information about the new girl while continuing to look like she was minding her business.

[487 words total. :) ]

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