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No Ones POV
"C'mon Wednesday, we're gonna be late for our little hang out with Enid and Yoko." Y/N said as she knocked on the wall, making sure not to cross over onto her roommates side of the dorm. "I'm sure they won't notice if I'm not there, you go on without me." Wednesday said in her usual monotone voice, not looking up from her book. "Yes, they will. And I don't really wanna have to deal with Enid whining about me not dragging you along, so can you please get up?" The H/C girl said, tapping her foot on the wooden floor. "Fine fine, only to avoid Enids whining." The expressionless girl said as she got up from her bed, placing a bookmark on the page she had just finished. As she walked over to her bag, she failed to notice her roommates excitement as she was busy keeping thing out of the other girls sight. Y/N wasn't ready for that, yet.
After a while, the two goth girls found themselves at the local café. Making their way inside, they spotted Enid and Yoko, waiting oh so patiently for them. Once Enid had seen to two new girls, she practically jumped from her seat, almost spilling her coffee. "Wednesday! Y/N! You made it!" She yelled, drawing some unwanted attention. Luckily, no one wanted anything to do with the outcasts so they were left alone.
After getting some coffee and lunch, the four headed towards some shops, Enid and Yoko looking for clothes, Y/N looking for new art supplies, and Wednesday watching all of them, especially Y/N. Something was different about her, but she didn't know what. Was it the was she dressed? The way she acted? The fact she covered her left eye? Who knows. Although it was rather odd that no one knew what kind of 'monster' Y/N was, even Enid didn't know. And she knows (almost) everything about the other students. Now that she thinks about it, Wednesday has seen that Y/N has a lot of clothes with very open backs, does she have wings or does she just like those kinds of clothes? She also has fangs like the vampires. Is she a hybrid or something? No, that just crazy, there hasn't been a hybrid for thousands of years, not since the very first outreach day. Whatever, she can worry about all of that later, right now she needs to find out who and or what that monster is. And what it's doing so close to Nevermore.

499 words total. :)

(LMAO sorry for such a long wait, idfk what happened to the 'daily upload' thing. Also, if it wasn't already clear in this chapter, Y/N likes to cover her siren eye. Sorry if there was any confusion, I just kinda forgot to include that in the first few chapters and i was to lazy to fix it. I hope you have a good day/evening/night!)

My Raven                  (A Wednesday x Fem!Reader Book) Where stories live. Discover now