Fencing Class

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No Ones POV
As the three girls were talking, two of them much more than the other, the bell rang, signaling it was time for class. For some odd reason, they have 10 minutes in between each class, maybe it was to give students time to get to classes in this maze of a school, who knows. "Hey, Y/N! What's your next class?" Enid asked as she got up from the grass in the quad. "Uhhh, I think I haveeeee" she paused after stretching out the word, checking her notebook. "Fencing! What about you?" She asked while putting the book in her bag. "Ah man! I have ______!" Enid exclaimed, letting her head hang back, looking at the sky. "What about you wednesd-" she paused "oh, she's gone. She must've left to get to class before us. Oh well, I better get going now, see ya later enid!" She said, while starting to walk away, waving goodbye from behind. "Bye! See you at 6th!" The bright colored girl yelled, running to her next class.
"Y/N. You're late." The teacher said as the girl walked in, setting her stuff down and getting her suit on. "Oh, sorry __.____, I had to help a friend pick up her stuff and find the nurse." She said, obviously lying, but no one knew that. "Really? Well, next time try and be a little quicker to your classes, it only your 2nd day and your late." The girl nodded, walking over to her fencing partner. "Hey Eugene, sorry for being late." She said, while putting her mask on. "That was a total lie, wasn't it. I saw you talking with Wednesday and Enid in the quad, didn't look like you were helping a friend to the nurse." He said as he got ready to fence, lunging at Y/N. She continued speaking as she quickly doged and lunged back at him. "yeah, but __.____ doesn't need to know that!" As she quickly went to hit Eugene, he got the upper hand and lower his sword onto her back, gaining him a point. "Ah man! I really thought I had you!" She said getting up and taking off her helmet. "Not this time! I've been practicing!" Eugene said, as he got some water. "Well, better hope that comes in handy when I beat you!" The girl said, putting her helmet back on and getting ready to fence. "Oh yeah right! I'm gonna be at you this time!" He said, lunging at her when he put his helmet back on.
The bell rang, 3rd period was over. "Haha! I never lose!" Y/N exclaimed, standing over her fencing partner with her hand out to help him up. "Yeah yeah, I really thought I was gonna win this time!" He said as he got up, with the help of Y/N. "sureee, maybe next time don't leave your right side open as much." She said as she walked away, her stuff in hand. "Wa- hey! Wait for me!" Eugene yelled, running after her.

533 words total

Hope you liked this chapter though😅)

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