Ghost Orchid

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(Updated 9/23/24 @12:34 AM)

Wednesday's POV
It was the weekend, Saturday to be exact. And I was currently writing more for my novel when my new roommate interrupted me. "Um, hey Wednesday?" She was nervous, I could hear it in her voice. "What." I replied as I finished off a new page. "Well, um, I saw that there was tape separating the room, and i, uh, I was wondering if I could put up this net for a little more privacy?" I had stopped typing to listen to her, something I rarely do. "Why?" I asked in my usually monotone voice. "Oh, well, um, usually most people don't like my lights so i set up this net to dim them and it makes the room feel a little less like a shared space and more like your own room and people don't really like having to say they share a room with me because they don't like how I dress and decorate my stuff, but it's ok if you don't want it up, I'm not forcing you I was just wondering cause people usually don't like rooming with me." She talks too much, she's a bit like Enid in that way. "Sure." I said as I started a new page, if it meant not having to deal with another person interruptting my writing time then I don't mind.
After about 30 minutes she had set up what looked like spare nets for her bed, pinned into the ceiling with many thumbtacks. There were two that were sectioned off into 4 rectangles each, most likely to be tied off easier. I guess she was right, it does feel more like my own space. And it's better now that Enids rainbows were gone, I prefer this new girls style much more. Speaking of the new girl, where did she go? She was here a minute ago and I didn't hear the door open or close. Is she on the balcony? As I got up from my seat at my typewriter, I looked out the window to see Y/N painting the trees in the court yard below. She had somehow managed to get her easel and canvas out of the window. As I took a closer look, I saw that she had painted a strange symbol into the moon. It look like a ghost orchid. Oh well, as I shrugged it off and went to get changed for the night I could feel her eyes staring into the back of my head. She must have noticed me staring.

[432 words total. :) ]

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