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No Ones POV
It's was 2nd period now, and Y/N was drawing in her notebook, drowning out the world around her.




"Huh?" The H/C girl questioned, looking up after hearing her name. "Do you know the answer?" Ms. Thornhill asked while the other students snickered and giggled. Quickly looking around, she noticed Thing poking out of Wednesdays bag. She then realized that he was saying 15, by showing all 5 fingers 3 times. "Um, 15?" She answered, although it sounded more like a question. "Correct! It takes 15 months for the ________ to reach full maturity, good job Y/N!" Ms. Thornhill exclaimed, walking behind her desk. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Y/N quickly looked back to Thing, only to find that Wednesdays had her foot on top of her bag, effectively locking him in. As she looked up at her, they both quickly looked away.
The bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch, as the H/C was walking in the down to the main courtyard, Enid ran up. As the two girls made small talk and spoke about their day, Bianca stuck her foot out, effectively tripping Enid and making her scratch her hands and knees, which quickly began to bleed. As Y/N shot down to help her, Bianca began to make fun of the girls, causing Enid to cry.

Seeing this, Y/Ns face suddenly became devoid of all emotion. As she slowly stood up and looked at Bianca, it was like she was casting a spell. "Apologize." She said with her head hung low. "Excuse me?" Bianca said, tilting her head to make fun of her.
"I said, APOLOGIZE." She said, quickly looking up at the siren girl and making eye contact. Wednesday watched from afar and swore she could she the H/C girls eyes flash a light blue. And as if she was under control, Bianca suddenly began to apologize rather rapidly, then ran off to God knows where.

Looking down at Enid, Y/N crouched down, reaching into her bag for some bandaids. "Why do you have those in your bag?" Enid asked, tilting her head to the side. "You never know when your gonna get hurt and need a bandaid, plus, it just helps to have 'em. " she answered, smiling. As she helped Enid stand back up, she didn't notice Wednesday staring at her.
"What was that? Why did Bianca suddenly begin to apologize, and what happened with Y/Ns eye?!" And as if on cue, Y/N looked up to her roommate, and then patted the spot next to her, again.

"Well, I guess hanging out with her would help me rather some information without having to spy on her and risk getting caught."  She thought to herself as she walked over, sitting next to the girl who wrapped her arm around Wednesdays shoulders, telling and asking about the girls day so far.

518 words total. :)
(Hey, sorry if this chapter is bad, it's 12:52 AM for me and im rlly tired. Byeee)

My Raven                  (A Wednesday x Fem!Reader Book) Where stories live. Discover now