Breakfast In Bed

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No Ones POV
"Ughhhhh, are you kidding me?" Y/N sighed, looking at her phone which read '4:30 AM'. Groaning, the girl decided to take a shower and be productive, searching around her drawers to find some clothes, she didn't notice Thing waking up. Hearing the cage rattle, the girl looked up to seek Thing waving at her, and being the kind girl she is, she decided to unlock the cage, letting him free. "Hey Thing, did I wake you?" She asked, not being as scared of him as she was a few days ago. Signing no, the hand then began to crack his knuckles, eating a satisfying crack with each one. "I'm gonna take a shower now, so don't go causing trouble." Y/N said, smiling slightly as she opened the door to let him roam the halls of Nevermore.
After her hour long shower, she decided to get some work done on her homework (aka studying the ghost orchid but who cares).

Getting bored, she started humming the tune to her favorite song, F/S. After about 5 minutes of this, she realised that now it was stuck in her head. "Well fuck." She said to no one but herself. Grabbing her headphones and turning on Spotify, she started her playlist with all her favorite songs. (She listened to music for like 2 hours)

Checking her phone, she saw it was now 7:48 AM "ah, Wednesday is gonna be waking up soon, I should get her some food!" She thought with a smile on her face as she raced out the door to get some breakfast for her and her roommate. Getting back at 8:15, she carefully opened to door, making sure not to drop the food. "Hey Wednesday, I got us some food!" The H/C girl said, smiling brightly. "Really? What is it?" The pigtailed girl asked, walking over.

"Here! Isn't it cute?" The overly excited girl asked, handing over a plate to her 'friend'

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"Here! Isn't it cute?" The overly excited girl asked, handing over a plate to her 'friend'. "Painfully so." Was all her roommate had to say about the food, although she wanted to thank her, she didn't know how. Then she got an idea, why not get her something in return? Like a small gift or food? Going over to her desk, she saw her roommate get on her bed to eat, "Why are you eating on your bed? Your going to get crumbs everywhere." She stated, looking back at her. "Because it's more comfortable! Come here, sit with me!" Y/N said, patting the spot next to her as she scooted over. Thinking for a moment, Wednesday then got up and brought her food over to Y/Ns bed, sitting next to her. "See? Isn't in much more comfortable then that old desk?" The girl questioned, glancing to her dormmate as she took a bite our of her toast. "Yes, I suppose so." The monotone girl replied, glancing away. "Why am I doing this? I would never do this normally. What is she doing to me? Why do I feel this way? I can't like her, no way. I don't like anyone, and plus, she's a girl. I don't know how mother would react to me liking a girl, especially one this..... Odd"

Snapping out of her thoughts, Wednesday glanced her her roommate, seeing her happily eat her food, then she looked to her own food, looking at what Y/N had made for her. It was cute, but she didn't know why the H/C girl did it. Did she consider them friends? Or was it just something she felt she needed to do? Wednesday was confused with how she felt, and how Y/N felt about her. Was she thinking the same thing, wondering how she was feeling and why she felt that way? Or was she in her own little world, minding her business?.......... She was probably in her own world, knowing her.

Soon enough, the girls said their goodbyes and went to their first classes, knowing they would see each other during 2nd.

729 words total. :)

(Hey guys, sorry for the long break, I'm still sick and I have school tomorrow. I will be trying to update more often now that I've had more ideas. Remember, if you want to have a specific scene, go to the scene request rules chapter! Bye y'all, have a good day/evening/night!)

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