Chapter 5 - A Friends Hangout

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April 8th 2011

John's PoV

I woke up early and checked the time, it is 6:30 a.m. Since today is the weekend, I decided to lay down on my bed as I have thoughts about what happened ever since my arrival in this world.

I saved Miku from ending her life and possibly changed her view on men, I met Shido and Kotori who gave me a home despite just meeting. And I still have yet to figure out what this mysterious women meant by me having these unique powers I possess.

Which reminds me, I wonder how Jeremy and the others are doing. They are most likely worried sick about me. Hopefully they are doing well. Jeremy is probably hitting on other girls right now like always. Especially with his fried chicken jokes, they were... quite awful.

As I am having thoughts, I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

John: "Come in."

The door opens to reveal Shido

Shido: "Good morning John, I hope you slept well last night."

John: "Well... after the lecture you and Kotori gave me, I guess you could say I should never worry the both of you again."

Shido: "You did made us worry, especially since it haven't even been a week since you started living with us. You are practically our responsibility now." Shido sighed as he crossed his arm to which I gave a chuckle response.

John: "It won't happen again, but in my defense. There is no way I am able to contact the both of you."

Shido: "Oh, of course. Well I do recall having an old phone I could give you."

John: "I would appreciate that Shido, thank you."

Shido: "No problem man."

John: "Oh and also Shido, here's your album back. Thank you for letting me use it." I said as I gave Shido his copy of Miku's music album back.

Shido: "Sure. Just let me know if you would like to use it again." Shido offered as a shakes my head.

John: "Oh don't worry, I actually bought all is Tsukino's albums while I was exploring around the city." I said as I showed him the music albums.

Shido: "That's amazing, I never realized Tsukino released more than one albums. After you finished listening to them, would you mind if I borrowed them?"

John: "Sure, I don't see that as a problem."

Shido: "Thanks Man, also I'm going to go make breakfast now."

John: "Alright, do you need any help? I don't mind cooking again" I offered but Shido shakes his head.

Shido: "It's fine man, I'll make breakfast today. You can have a rest."

John: "Cool, I'll be here if you need me."

Shido: "Sound good." He says as he closed my bedroom door. I laid down on my bed before closing my eyes. This reminds me, I had my sniper rifle with me before stepping onto the teleporter. I always wondered where it went. So I thought about my sniper rifle before I felt something on my hand. I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, my sniper rifle is there.

I inspected the rifle a bit before setting it down beside me. This is quite strange, as soon as I thought about my sniper rifle, it appeared here instantly like it was magic. So to test my theory out, I thought about one of the infamous sidearm the desert eagle. It packs quite a punch, but the recoil is quite difficult to control especially if you don't want to hurt your shoulders. At the hands of a skilled shooter, it can be quite a deadly weapon to use.

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