Chapter 16 - Saving Hermit

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April 20th 2011

John's PoV

After Shido's failed attempt in sealing Yoshino, Shido and I started actually bumped into Yoshino today while investigating the mall that is now in rubbles. Turns out she is looking for Yoshinon, she apparently lost her while escaping from the AST.

So both me and Shido offered to help her find Yoshinon not before informing Kotori about the puppet. After informing Kotori, the two of us then proceed to help Yoshino in finding Yoshinon. After a while of searching to no avail, I heard someone's stomach growl. I then looked towards the source to see Yoshino looking at the ground covering her head with the jacket hood.

John: "Hey Yoshino, are you hungry?" As the girl lightly shakes her head before the stomach betrayed her and gave away the answer truthfully. At which Yoshino's face turned red into embarrassment as Shido and I chuckled.

John: "Okay, let's take a break for now to eat. Is there any restaurant nearby?"

Shido: "Most likely closed. How about my house?"

John: "Alright, sounds good. Why don't you take Yoshino back home first while I buy some groceries?"

Shido: "Sounds good, if I recall. There is a grocery store not far from here. It should be open."

John: "Great. I'll be back in a bit."

Shido: "Okay, be safe. Let's go Yoshino."

Yoshino: "O-okay..."

I then started walking towards the grocery store Shido mentioned via GPS, which is about a ten minute walk from here. Upon reaching the location, the store has just opened as the owner just unlocked the door. The owner then noticed my presence.

Grocery Store Owner: "Oh hello young man, are you here to buy something?"

John: "Yeah, I'm looking for ingredients to make soy bean bread."

Grocery Store Owner: "You have good taste in food. Let me help you find the ingredients. Wait here."

As I wait for the owner to return, I checked my phone if there are any unanswered messages. There is one from Miku asking if I was okay from the recent space quake that happened yesterday in my area to which I assured her I am.

Grocery Store Owner: "Here you go, fresh ingredients delivered just now!"

John: "Thank you. How much?"

Grocery Store Owner: "700 yen, but I will give you a discount for being my first customer for today."

John: "Are you sure? You don't have to."

Grocery Store Owner: "I insist, besides. It's been a while since someone came here for the purpose to make a simple yet delicious delicacy."

John: "Really?"

Grocery Store Owner: "Yeah, about almost a decade now."

John: "That is quite... interesting."

Grocery Store Owner: "If you want, there is a small cooking area in the back you could use to make your soy bean bread."

John: "I can't... the discount is enough..."

Grocery Store Owner: "Nonsense! Here, I'll also teach you how to make a perfect soy bean bread with a little special recipe of mines."

John: "You have a special recipe for this dish?" I said in interest.

Grocery Store Owner: "Of course, this was my childhood dish too. It is taught to me by my mother."

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