Chapter 14 - "Training"

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April 18th 2011

John's PoV

Following the usual morning routine, getting up early, making breakfast and lunch, head out to school.

Shido and I start running towards the school, during a rainy day. While running, the both of us ran by the same shrine we met Yoshino and Yoshinon at. However, it looked like they aren't here this time.

After school, running back hole during a rainy day. The both of us attempt to dry ourselves off.

Shido: "Ill be going to the bathroom to change and shower."

John: "Sure, pass me your wet clothes after so I can put them in the washing machine."

Shido: "Alright."

Shido then goes to the bathroom to do his thing while I take off my coat and put it on the hanger.

Suddenly, I can hear a scream upstairs followed by a loud thud noise. I quickly went upstairs to check the situation. Upon reaching upstairs, I am instantly met with Shido laying down on the floor wearing nothing but a towel to cover up his area.

Before I can say anything, Kotori came upstairs to witness this scene too.

Kotori: "That's a shame, this was meant for you John. Not Shido. Although Shido still works."

Shido slowly lifts himself up from the floor as I then helped him up.

Shido: "What do you mean... by that?"

Kotori: "Come downstairs and I will explain."

I followed Kotori downstairs while Shido goes to his room to change to clean clothes. After Shido finishes changing, he comes downstairs and joined us at the dining table. Reine is also there.

Shido: "So Kotori, why is Tohka in our house?"

Kotori: "Tohka will be living here since her powers are sealed. If you remembered, we explained to you about how her powers can come back anytime if her mood is not maintained."

Reine: "Until a suitable housing is built, Tohka will be living here temporary."

Shido: "Don't I get a say in this?"

Kotori: "Nope."

Tohka: "Shido... am I really bothering you...?" Tohka is seen behind the living room entrance, having listened to the conversation.

Shido: "I uh... no no! You aren't! You can stay here as much as you want!"

Tohka: "R-really?"

Shido: "Really!"

John: "I'll uh... get dinner started. Reine, are you staying over to eat?"

Reine: "I'm good, I'm going anyways."

Reine then proceeds to leave, not before drinking all her cup of coffee.

After Reine left the residence, I then began to start cooking dinner. With the help of Shido of course, after about an hour and a half. Dinner preparations is finished. Of course, Tohka is the first one to eat, and finish first. After dinner is finished, I then washed the plates before sitting down on the living room couch to watch some TV.

Kotori: "Hey John, the light bulb in the bathroom is out. Can you change it?"

John: "Sure."

Kotori then passed me a box containing a brand new light bulb.

John: "Which floor?"

Kotori: "First floor."

I then proceed to walk towards the first one bathroom to change the lightbulb. The door is closed, so I knocked on the door to see if anyone is in there.

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