Chapter 27 - The Twins

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John's PoV

Currently I am sitting in front of the quiet waves of water still thinking about the events of tomorrow. Because of this, I am unable to sleep. I only let out a long sigh as I started to think of a plan to save the twins from a cruel fate.

???: "Hey, you okay?"

John: "Oh hey Shido, I'm fine. I'm just unable to sleep."

Shido: "Same here, how's Yuzuru?"

I didn't respond to his question as he then understands what I am currently going through before sitting beside me.

Shido: "So you also know what will happen tomorrow too..."

John: "Yuzuru and Kaguya wanted each other to live.  And they are both willing to sacrifice themselves to let the other sister live a happy life without them. In my opinion, I find it complete bull."

Shido: "I definitely agree with you. Aren't they supposed to be family members?"

John: "Yeah..."

Shido: "So what are we going to do when the time comes?"

Before I can answer, I hear a voice interrupted our conversation as I turned around to see Kaguya standing behind us along with Yuzuru.

Kaguya: "Is this what Yuzuru said?"

Yuzuru: "Demand, is this true?"

Shido: "Uh..."

As Shido struggles to give them an answer the twins then summoned their astral dresses as they stare at each other in anger.

Kaguya: "What the hell!? Why won't you just accept the title!?"

Yuzuru: "Counter, I should be saying the same thing to you."

Kaguya: "You have a beautiful body!"

Yuzuru: "Counter, you have smooth skin."

Kaguya: "You have a beautiful voice!"

Yuzuru: "Counter, your voice can boost morale up."

Kaguya: "You have John to look after you!"

Yuzuru: "Anger, you leave him out of this."

Shido: "Hey you two why can't the bo-"

Twins: "Stay out of this!"

The twins then start to fly as they summoned their respective weapons.

Kaguya: "Tch, this duel is useless. It's time finish what we started long ago!"

Yuzuru: "Rebuke, I won't hold back."

The twins then begins to fight as the weather immediately gets windy.

Tohka: "John! Shido! What's going on!?"

John: "It's the twins, they are intending to kill each other."

Shido: "Now what are we supposed to do!?"

???: "I have been waiting for you Princess. Although I am surprised Berserk are here too. However, my main target is you."

Shido: "Ellen?"

The voice, that belonged to the photographer appeared from in front of a nearby forest as two robots stands beside her.

Tohka: "Be careful you two, I sense a dangerous aura around her."

Ellen then summons a suit similar to the ones used by Origami back at the amusement park but a bit more advanced. Tohka then summons Sandalphon in return as she swings at Ellen who easily blocked one of her attacks.

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