Chapter 29 - The Festival

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John's PoV View

Ai: "And this year's organizer for the Tennou Festival is..."

Mai: "Shido Itsuka!"

Mii: "That's so lame!"

Shido: "W-what!? This is all so sudden!"

I placed my hand on Shido's shoulder.

John: "Don't worry Shido, I'll help you out."

Shido: "Thanks dude."

Tohka: "John? What is this festival about?"

John: "To my understanding, the festival is about music according to a friend of mine. But if this is a festival, we would need to make this school stand out as much as possible."

Tohka: "Music? Oh! Is it one of those things where we hit those hard objects and make noises with them!?"

John: "Sure, you could say that Tohka."

Tohka: "Can I join in!?"

John: "Of course."

Yuzuru: "Assist, I will help you out too..."

John: "Of course Yuzuru. Im assuming Kaguya would like to join in too?"

Kaguya: "Absolutely."

Shido: "You guys... thank you."

John: "I got a couple ideas in mind, although this requires a lot of cooperation from fellow students here. Just the five of us won't do."

Shido: "I'll go ask around to see if anyone is willing to help then."

John: "Sounds good, I'll go ahead and start prepping. Tohka, Yuzuru, and Kaguya, you three rest for now."

Yuzuru then gave me a quick hug to which I returned before heading off to Tengu Square in order to find a good spot to set up a mini cafe. While searching for a spot, the space quake alarm suddenly sounded as people around the area quickly runs to a nearby shelter.

Kotori (coms): "John, can you hear me?"

John: "Yeah, space quake alarm is active. Can you take me to the spirit?"

Kotori (coms): "Picking you up."

I am then teleported into Fraxinus as Shido is there too.

Shido: "Good luck man."

John: "I'll make sure to come back in one piece. Don't want to fail the festival."

Kotori: "Teleporting you to the spirit now."

I am then transported in front of what appears to be an arena as I then slowly open the door. As soon as I opened the door, I immediately heard a familiar voice as she continues to sing on top of the stage. I then proceed to quietly walk towards the stage as the familiar voice continues her song. Eventually I reached the top of the stage as I then stared at the spirit to much my shock and surprise. It was Miku.

I stay still as Miku continues to sing her song, her singing is the same beautiful voice I listened from her music album. I continued to listen until Miku finally finished her song. I then quietly walk towards her until I covered her eyes with my hands.

Miku: "Wha?"

John: "Do you recognize this voice?"

Miku: "Wait, is that you John!?"

I then took my hands off her as Miku then turns around as her eyes widen before immediately embracing me into a hug.

John: "Hey, it's been a while."

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