Chapter 34 - Star Festival

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John's PoV

Currently I am heading towards a nearby grocery store to prepare for tonight's dinner. I am thinking of heading towards Akemi's store to purchase groceries there. It has been a while since I last talked to her after all. I then made my way towards the park since there aren't much people there. I sat down and checked on my phone to see what is needed for tonight's dinner. Shido wrote down the needed ingredients there via message.

As I am skimming through the list, I did not notice someone sitting beside me as I shrugged it off and move a little for them. After checking the list, I then went through the messages I have yet to read. Most of them are just from friends asking simple questions. And when I mean friends asking simple question, it's just Hiroto asking for my opinion on a costume choice for his virtual girlfriend. Speaking of Hiroto, he and Jeremy met not so long ago. The two immediately became good friends, with Jeremy even giving Hiroto tips on picking up girls his way. Honestly I feel bad for the poor guy being taught the wrong way. But at least it's slightly better than bragging about his virtual girlfriend all day long.

I suddenly heard a stomach growling as I then turned to the person sitting next to me. It is a girl wearing some sort of pink dress. On her really long yellow hair, two pairs of hair extensions that looks like bunny ears can be seen. She is wearing metal high heels that looks like leg armor. The girl is looking down on the ground with an emotionless expression.

I then notice there is a vending machine nearby that dispenses packaged sandwiches. I then stand up and walked towards the vending machine to purchase a packaged sandwich along with a bottle of iced tea. After obtaining the items, I then went back towards the bench where the girl is sitting as she is still staring at the ground.

John: "Hey miss."

No response, the girl continues to stare at the ground. I then tapped her shoulder to get her attention as she snaps out of her trance. She then looked beside her.

???: "Hm?"

I then held out the packaged sandwich and ice tea as the girl stares at it.

???: "...Is this for Muku?"

John: "Yes, it's for you. Please take it."

???: "Why are you giving Muku this?"

John: "It's awful to not have any food or water. I understand starving people more than anyone. If you eat up, you'd be able to look forward to a new tomorrow won't you, miss?"

The girl known as "Muku" hesitantly takes the food and drink before digging in on her meal.

Muku: "What about you?"

John: "Ill be fine miss. Please enjoy your meal."

"Muku" then continues to eat her food as I continued to look through my messages responding to each of them while "Muku" watches in interest.

Afterwards, I then put my phone back into my pocket as I started getting ready to leave.

Muku: "Oh, you are going now already?"

John: "Yeah, I'm buying groceries tonight. Don't you have somewhere to go to too miss?"

Muku: "Before you go, may Muku ask for your name?"

John: "It's John. John Mundy."

Muku: "Mukuro Hoshimiya. Thank you for the meal John. Muku appreciates your kindness."

John: "No problem Mukuro. Please take care of yourself okay?"

Mukuro: "Mun... Muku will be fine. Until then John."

Mukuro then creates a portal behind her before going through it as it disappears after. So Mukuro is a spirit too? I'll have to keep that in mind when the two of us meet again. Although she wasn't causing any trouble at all. I brushed that thought aside as I proceed to make my way towards Akemi's store.

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