Chapter 23 - A Semi Normal Date

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The day before Shido's date with Kotori

Third Person View

John and Shido are currently at a swimsuit store waiting for both Tohka and Yoshino to buy their own swimsuits.

Shido: "I still don't know why I am even here in the first place." As he sighs in discomfort.

John: "This is a part of your training. You don't want to get distracted by others while you are on your date with Kotori right?"

Shido: "But Kotori is in danger! I can't bear the thought of losing her!" Shido then stares at one of the swimsuits which causes his adoptive brother to sigh.

John: "Do you see what I mean now?"

Shido: "Ugh..."

Tohka: "John! This is amazing! Are all of these really swimsuits?"

John: "Yeah."

Tohka: "What are they supposed to use for?"

???: "It is used as a battle gear against spirits."

Shido: "Origami?"

Tohka: "Wha? Tobiichi Origami!? What are you doing here!?"

Origami: "These swimsuits will zap and kill you once worn."

Tohka: "I-is this true John...?" As Yoshino hides behind Tohka.

John: "No, absolutely not. Tobiichi is only trying to scare you. That's not how swimsuits work at all." This causes Tohka to glare at Origami.

Tohka: "Why you... how dare you try to trick me!"

Shido then gets between the girls

Shido: "Okay, that's enough both of you. Also Origami, aren't you supposed to be at the hospital? How are your injuries?"

Origami: "I'm fine, just passing by. In fact, I am only here to speak with Yatogami."

Tohka: "What do you want with me?"

Origami: "Do you have any information regarding the flame spirit?" This causes Tohka to look away.

Tohka: "I refuse to tell you anything."

Origami then puts her hands on her cheek as she tilts her head.

Origami: "Please?"

Tohka: "W-why are you doing that?"

Origami then bows as she then pleads again.

Origami: "Pretty please?"

Tohka: "A-alright! I'll tell you! Just stop being weird! You are starting to creep me out!"

Tohka: "So the flame spirit is red.

Origami: "Anything else?"

Tohka: "The flame spirit is also powerful."

Origami: "And?"

Tohka: "And it goes whooosh!"

Origami: "Useless."

Tohka: "Hey! What did you say?! You should be grateful I even told you!"

Origami: "Shido."

Shido: "Yes?"

Origami: "I only have a swimsuit I use for school. It would be a problem if I use in anywhere else like the pool or sea."

John: "Why don't you buy one here then?"

Origami: "Men provides a better opinion."

Shido: "Wha-"

Origami then comes close to Shido's face.

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