Chapter 11 - A Memorable Gift For The Idol

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April 15th 2011

John's PoV

I woke up to my usual morning routine. Although, this time both Shido and Kotori decides to wake up earlier to help me make breakfast. Although, Kotori needed the assistance more. After making and finished eating breakfast I begin to head out.

John: "Shido, Kotori. I'll be heading out now."

Kotori: "Hm? Where are you going?"

John: "I'm going out with a friend. I'll be back before dinner. Is there anything the both of you want?"

Shido: "I am thinking about making gyoza tonight. We have the mushrooms and cabbages already. There's also some leftover unused ground beef left too. So all I need is soy sauce and vinegar to make the sauce."

John: "Alright, I'll make sure to buy a bottle of soy sauce and vinegar before I come home. How about you Kotori?" As she runs towards me and whispers in my ear.

Kotori: "Lollipops" to which I chuckled.

John: "I'll buy you some lollipops. Don't worry, but please make sure to eat your main dish first before the lollipops alright?"

Kotori: "I promise John." As she gives me a short hug to which I returned.

Kotori: "I'll see you tonight then John."

John: "Later Kotori, see you tonight Shido."

Shido: "See you man."

Kotori: "Bye John!"

I exited the Itsuka residence as I head towards the arcade.

After about twenty minutes of walking, I finally reached the arcade as I entered. On the prize counter, the teddy bear is still there. The amount of tickets needed to trade for it is quite high. About 5000 tickets are needed to trade in for the teddy bear.

After purchasing some tokens, I begin to look around the arcade to see which machine can offer the highest amount of tickets. I eventually found a machine that requires you to spin a wheel. The highest offer is 250 tickets, second highest is 100 tickets, third highest is 25, and the fourth highest 15. A 150 bonus can be won as an additional reward.

I inserted a coin and spun the wheel lightly as it spins. After a couple seconds, the wheel slowly begins to stop as it lands on the 25 mark. After it stopped, the machine begins to eject 25 tickets out.

I spun the wheel a couple more times to see if I can hit the high marker. At the end, I only obtained around 300 tickets. I decided to spin one more time before trying out another machine. As I spun the wheel, the wheel again begins to slow down as it looks like it's going to hit the 250 mark. As the pointer slowly stops in the middle between the 250 and 5 ticket mark, the wheel eventually slightly moved an inch with resulted me in winning the 250 ticket jackpot.

The machine then starts to eject 250 tickets which took a couple minutes. However, as the machine stopped on the 250th ticket, additional tickets begins to eject meaning I got the 150 bonus. After a couple more waiting, I pulled the long ticket train off the machine before folding them into a rather normal sized stack and putting it into my pocket.

John: "700 tickets, 4300 to go." I said to myself before walking towards another machine.

This machine is one of those mile game where you have to push down a lever and the virtual car will travel depending on the distance the pointer landed after the wheel stopped. However instead of miles, this machine uses tickets instead. Highest offering is 2500 with 1000 being the second highest. The third highest is 500, fourth is 250.

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