Chapter 31 - It Begins

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Johns PoV

John: "So why are you dressed up like a girl Shido or should I say... Shiori?"

Shiori: "Be quiet you... I'm not a fan of this idea, it was Kotori's to begin with...

John: "Well if this helps, I would definitely date you if you are actually a girl." I gave "Shiori" a wink and a thumbs up which causes "her" to fluster.


I let out a laugh as "Shiori" quickly ran inside the café to avoid anymore teasing. I then went ahead and explore the area. There are plenty of food stands that offers a variety of food. Not all stalls are food related. There are game stands too that can offer prizes as rewards upon completion. However, the café is the one attracting the most attention as there are plenty of people waiting in line mainly boys to be served by the maids. Just then, I suddenly felt a familiar presence behind me as I then quickly turned around. Kurumi is standing behind me with a candy apple on her hand.

Kurumi: "Hello John, long time no see~"

John: "What are you doing here Kurumi?"

Kurumi: "Aw, is that how you greet a friend?"

John: "Get to the point Kurumi, what purpose are you exactly here for?"

Kurumi: "Fufu~ how cold. I am only here to enjoy the festival. Surly there is nothing wrong with that?"

John: "Yet you were literally standing behind me without giving a heads up or a proper greeting. You are up to something for sure."

Kurumi: "Fufu~ can't I surprise the one I admire? Especially the person who saved my life?"

John: "Yeah... Sure... whatever you say." I rolled my eyes as response.

Kurumi: "Fufu~, anyways I'll be going now. I'll see you soon John~" Kurumi gave me a quick hug before walking away as her figure disappears into the crowd of people. Suddenly my vision is blocked by someone covering my eyes.

???: "Guess who~"

John: "Miku?"

Miku: "You are correct~" She then toke her hands off my eyes as I then turned around to see Miku who is wearing a sailor uniform. She then embraced me into a hug as I returned it.

John: "Hey Miku, how are you doing?"

Miku: "I'm really excited! The performance concert will start in a couple hours!"

John: "You are really looking forward to it aren't you?"

Miku: "Of course! You will get to see me perform! Not only that, I also get to see you perform too!"

John: "Of course you will."

Miku: "So while the both of us wait for the performance concert to start, do you mind if we go on a date together?"

John: "Sure, I don't mind."

Miku then broke the hug as she grabbed onto my hand before leading me towards a café. A waiter can be seen waiting inside as he seats us onto an empty seat for two. He then gave us a small menu to look at.

Eventually I decided to order a green tea matcha. Miku orders jasmine green tea along with a cake slice. Our orders came after a few minutes of waiting.

Miku: "So how is your schools café going along?"

John: "It's doing really well. But it's mainly popular for the boys though."

Miku: "Yeah, I don't really see much girls there besides the maids of course. Many of them look so pretty~"

John: "Miku, come on..."

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