Chapter 12 - School Transfer

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April 16th 2011

John's PoV

Waking up at the usual time, I began to start my daily routine. However, I am unable to get off the bed as I remembered why. Miku stayed over last night since she fell asleep, and I was unable to bring her back home as I don't know her address. I looked beside me to see Miku sleeping peacefully hugging by my side. Since it's still a bit early, I decided to lay back down as I didn't want to wake Miku up. Also the fact she is clinging onto me tightly made it very difficult to move.

After about half an hour, I heard Miku yawn as she slowly wakes up.

John: "Good morning Miku."

Miku: "Hmm...? Good morning John..."

John: "Have you rest well?"

Miku: "Still a little tired..."

John: "Well, I'll be heading off  downstairs to make breakfast now."

Miku: "Oh... sure." As she just realized I was already awake.

Miku: "Wait John, how long were you awake for?"

John: "For about half an hour. But seeing how you were sleeping peacefully, I decided to wait until you wake up." As Miku blushes a little red.

Miku: "S-sorry..."

John: "It's fine Miku, you did mentioned yesterday that you haven't got a good sleep after all." As Miku hid her face behind the blanket.

John: "I'll let you know when breakfast is ready. What time do you have school?"

Miku: "What time is it?"

John: "It's 7 a.m right now."

Miku: "I have school in two hours..."

John: "Would you like me to walk you there?"

Miku: "That would be great."

John: "Alright, I'll see you downstairs. I'm going to make breakfast now."

Miku: "Okay."

I then left the room and went downstairs to make breakfast. There, I could see Kotori sitting on the table along with analysis officer Reine.

John: "Good morning Kotori and Reine."

Kotori: "Hey John."

Reine: "Morning John." As I noticed her putting a lot of sugar into her coffee.

John: "Isn't that a bit too much sugar Reine?"

Reine: "Oh this? Don't worry, it's normal."

John: "Too much sugar can give you health problems later on."

Reine: "I appreciate your concern." As I sighed before starting to make breakfast.

John: "So what are you two doing up this early?" As I grabbed a couple eggs and bacon from the fridge.

Kotori: "We are here to inform that you will be enrolled to Raizen High." As I raised an eyebrow.

John: "Hm? Is there a reason for this?"

Kotori: "Tohka will also be enrolled to the school too, but as a transfer student. Although she is sealed, her powers can come back anytime if she isn't happy."

John: "So I'm being enrolled to the same school Shido goes to just to watch Tohka?"

Reine: "Precisely. I will also attend the school as a physics teacher."

John: "Well alright. I see no problem then."

Kotori: "Great. Since Raizen High is still under repair, class will resume at my school until repair is finished tomorrow."

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