Chapter 19 - Transfer Student

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May 3rd 2011

John's PoV

Student #1: "So have you heard there will be a new student coming today?"

Student #2: "Of course, I heard it's a girl too! I really do hope she is pretty!"

John: "Are these people always like this whenever there is a new student?"

Shido: "Pretty much."

John: "Figures."

The bell then rang as Ms. Okamine arrives to the classroom.

Okamine: "Good morning, today there will be new transfer student joining this class. You may come in."

The door then opens as a girl enters the classroom. The guys immediately cheers with the exception of me and Shido.

The girl then writes her name down on the board before introducing herself.

???: "Hello, my name is Kurumi Tokisaki. A pleasure to be here. I am also a spirit."

This suddenly caught my attention along with Shido, Tohka, and Origami who is also surprised by her strange introduction.

Okamine: "Um... you may choose an empty seat Ms. Tokisaki."

Kurumi: "Before I do that, I would like someone to show me around the school class."

Hiroto then raised his hand.

Hiroto: "I'll do it!"

Kurumi: "No thanks." Poor guy.

Kurumi then starts to walk towards the lane between mine and Shido's desk. She stares at Shido before turning to me.

Kurumi: "Hello, it appears the both of us has meet again."

John: "Uh... Tokisaki... I don't recall meeting you before."

Kurumi: "My... have you forgot already Mundy...?"

This response however made me suspicious.

John: "Let's talk after class..."

Kurumi: "Sure, also do you mind showing me around the school after class if you don't mind?"

John: "You could always ask for a map at the guidance council..."

Kurumi: "I would prefer someone showing me instead."

John: "Okay, fine."

Kurumi: "Thank you."

Kurumi then takes the empty seat next to mines as both Tohka and Origami stares at her with a shocked expression.

After class, I quickly pulled out my phone to give Kotori a quick call. She answers the call.

Kotori: "Hey John, what's up?"

John: "Can you look up any data related to Kurumi Tokisaki?"

Kotori: "Is there a reason why?"

John: "She transferred to my class today, and claims she is a spirit. I would like a confirmation please."

Kotori: "It will be done. For now, what is Kurumi currently up to?"

John: "She asked me to show her around the school."

Kotori: "It is possible Kurumi is marinating you. I'll have Shido keep a close eye on you. Also the database does confirm Kurumi being a spirit. Her code name is Nightmare, one of the most dangerous spirit for causing the deaths of at least 10,000 people by herself."

John: "Okay, got it."

Kotori: "Be careful, if you need my help. Just ask, you do have the ear intercom right?"

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