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(Lyrics taken from Trees II by McCafferty. If you listen to the song as a whole, it really does fit Sabre very well :] )

Sabre took off his bandana, certain nobody was around, and started playing the guitar in his room upstairs.

"I know a ghost!

Good friend, bad host.

Parents found out!

Cell phone left out!

Bullies get bullied,

Cycle repeating

Bullies get bullied,

Cycle repeating"

Sabre's eyes started to water.

"So count,

So count me out!

So please don't leave,

I need you more than you need me!

You're beautiful and smart and kind,

While I am ugly, full of lies....

Like you and me were always safe!

I ran, I ran the fuck away!

Like I could be grown up some day?

God dammit, God dammit, I'm sorry!

God dammit, God dammit, God dammit, I'm sorry!

God dammit, God dammit, God dammit, I'm sorry!

God dammit, God dammit, God dammit, I'm sorry...

Well I'm sorry,

Oh I'm sorry...."

Sabre takes a deep, shaky breath, and continues.

"And I can't be with you anymore,

I can't live like this anymore...

I can't hold your heart anymore,

I need you to go on without me..."

Rainbow had been walking to Sabre's house to talk when he heard the singing.

He saw Sabre's face, regardless of the darkness of the night, his bandana off and his eyes beautiful. Rainbow could hear the guitar playing, the pain and crackling in Sabre's voice.

Rainbow considered knocking on the door and confronting, or maybe just pretending he never saw anything, but decided against it. Maybe it was best that Sabre have some time to himself.

He'd talk to Sabre in the morning.

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