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Rainbow, walking into the living room: What are you doing?
Sabre, making noises into his guitar: uhhhh...


RQ or SS

Sabre: I may be stupid.
Time: And?
Sabre: That's- that's it. I may be stupid.


RQ or SS

Rainbow: Sabrreeeee!!!
Sabre, running: I'VE COME TO YOUR RESCUE!
Rainbow: What? No, I just need your help with dinner.
Sabre, turning around: I'VE COME ONLY TO LEAVE!
Rainbow: DON'T YOU DARE-



Sabre, sitting in a Leader meeting and whispering: My ADHD can't handle this.
M: I never wanted to be here in the first place...
Light: Guys, shut up!



M: Do you are have stupid?
Red Leader: What?
M: Do you
 M: Are have
M: Stupid?
Red Leader:...
M: Apparently



Sabre: I miss pickles
Rainbow: What are pickles and why?
Sabre, remembering Galaxy's obsession with pickles: Uh, no reason.



Rainbow, pointing to two chickens canoodling: That could have been us you know? If not for your betrayal
Sabre: For the last fucking time, it was an accident! How was I supposed to know that there was only one stick left?!



Sabre: You're a menace to society.
Shadow Sabre: Thanks, I try



Lucas: Doesn't that hurt?
Sabre, looking at his arm: Huh? Oh, probably, but I lost feeling in that arm ages ago.


RQ or SS

Rainbow: Where have you been all my life?
Sabre: Running from Steves. Mostly.



Sabre: Isn't there some other way we could do this? Preferably one that doesn't involve me being in pain?
Professor Red: Nothing with quite as high a chance of success. Just think of it as your punishment, or character building, or whatever makes you feel better.
Sabre: ...I hate you so much.



M: How do you know how to fight so well?
Sabre: Let's just say I had very eventful past lives

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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