lets just call this 34 qvq

148 9 32

sorry we've been gone TvT

anyways take this shit :D



M: Why doesn't Rainbow eat much?

Light: Yeah, I've never seen him eat...it's concerning.

Sabre, not willing to out his bestie(?): He has a stomach the size of a two month old fetus.

Time, wheezing his ass off: SABRE NO-



Light: The hell's a fetus?



Sabre: They call me 004: 0 friends, 0 family, 4 mental disorders :D



Sabre: Lucas help.

Lucas, sighing: What did you do this time?

Sabre: I told Nightmare Steve that I was gonna shove my grandma down his throat and that I hope he chokes on her bones.


Rainbow, who just got there: I'm sorry.

Rainbow: WHAT.



Sabre, running up to the Yellow Leader: Hey, hey, why are they called testes?

Yellow Leader: I- what? What are te-


Yellow, watching Sabre run away cackling like a maniac: ...huh?



Time: Hey Elemental, are you sick?

Elemental: Yeah.

Time: Cough on me.

Elemental: No.



Rainbow: Hey Sabre, what do you think of Plague Steve? He's pretty cool, isn't he!


Sabre: He looks like a wet rat :)



Sabre, accidentally cutting his hand on a sword: Oops.

Shadow: Oops?

Time: Sabre, are you doing okay?

Sabre: What? Oh, yeah I'm fine!

Shadow: I think he meant mentally, dumbass.


Sorry we've been gone for so long! We're finally getting out shit together and we're starting to have more time for stuff like this! A lot of these quotes actually came from us and our friends IRL, so credits to them for most of these! I hope you guys enjoyed this lil chapter, and hopefully y'all will get more next week!


Thanks for your patience and understanding, lovely readers!!


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