numborr fiveteen

258 8 8


i lied

this isnt actually a "chapter"

this is an appreciation post.

I cannot thank you guys enough.

When I put this stuff up and it grabs your attention and you interact with it, it makes me feel genuinely happy.

For the past two days I've woken up to roughly 100 more reads every day.

When I see that you guys actually like this stuff -stuff i only put about 40% of my effort and attention span into- and want more, guys i-

I see how happy these things make you and how funny you think it is (regardless of what i think) and that it just might make your day a little bit better, i feel so- so happy, and appreciated.

These reactions and interactions from you guys motivate me to keep making more of these shitty jokes.

To me, it's not about the attention.

It's about impact.

So thank you,

thank you so much for making me feel like i can make a difference, no matter how small it is.


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