Number Two .-.

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(Shabre and Sabre arguing)

Sky people: :|

Time: This is normal?

Sky people: yup.

Time: That's not healthy- they basically have to live together, don't they?

Sky people: yup.

Time: And you've known about his shadow since he showed up??

Sky people: You literally look over time and space, how do you not know about any of this?!


Sabre: Why do all the Steves hate me?

Shabre: You set the Darkness free, killed a bunch of Steves, broke the Rainbow Crystal, brought all of the Steves into one area therefore causing Sol, let Demon Steves into the normal realm, and worked with the Darkness.

Sabre: In my defense, the murder is on you-


Galaxy: I want sandwiches :(

Void: We don't have sandwiches in Minecraft, you dope.

Galaxy: But we have the bread? So why can't we have the sandwiches?


Galaxy: Can I just have the sand part then?


Void: How in the hell are we related?



Faceless: I'm not creepy

Faceless: I'm petty.

Faceless:There's a difference, you know.


Shabre: Don't quote me on this, but murder is actually legal-


(im aware shaving cream doesn't exist in minecraft, just let me have this)

Sabre: Rainbow, do you have any shaving cream?

Rainbow: No, it tastes funky

Sabre starting to panic: YOU ATE SHAVING CREAM?!


Sabre trying not to laugh: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it's doing?

The Guardian: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it is incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language.


Sabre: Water  you doing?

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