Is It Really You?

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Stalker: I'm sorry.

His heart dropped. He read the message probably three times before he was able to pull himself together to respond. After their previous text conversation, he was a little hesitant on responding.

Naruto: Don't be...

Stalker: You looked sad today... Is something on your mind?

Naruto: You... and for some reason Sasuke...

Stalker: What about Sasuke?

Naruto: Honestly i don't know...
Naruto: I was gonna talk to him about you today.

Stalker: So you haven't told anyone?...

Naruto: No...and for some reason my throat felt shut. Like i couldn't breathe.

Stalker: So are you falling for me?
Stalker: Do I make you nervous?

There goes his stomach again. Those messages that make his heart flutter. His hands started getting shaky. Was it true? Was his heart beating for this stranger? This 'friend' that he doesn't even know for sure. Instead of responding to the man's question, he asked a question.

Naruto: Did I see you today?...


Naruto: Does that mean yes?

Stalker: Yeah..

His mind went haywire. He took a moment to think about everyone he's seen today. All which have either been not suspected in the first place or was already off the list. Was this guy lying to him? He thought maybe he could try and flip the script on him.

Naruto: Of course you make me nervous...

Stalker: Is that so?

Naruto: Did I talk to you?

He continued answering with questions. He figured if he kept asking questions that maybe he would get a hint to give this guy's identity away.

Stalker: Nice try.

Naruto: Can i call you?

Stalker: Not in a million years.

Naruto: I wanna hear you...

Stalker: You know my voice to well...

Would it really be that easy to pin point by just a voice? Lee? Shino? Who is this?! He thought to himself.

Naruto: I wanna see you...

Stalker: You already did...cutie :P

If he was being honest with himself, that actually made him blush. His face was warm. He stood up from his chair and made his way to the futon. He laid down on his side facing the wall. Holding his phone up to his face. He was hesitant once again to respond.

Naruto: I wanna see you again... but talk to you.

Stalker: You'd punch me idiot. There wouldn't be talking...

His heart completely stopped. He remembered Sasuke saying that to him yesterday. He sat up quickly on the futon using his left hand to hold himself up. He gasped to himself and his heart started to race. His breathing became irregular.

"N-No way..." he sat there for a moment, his mind going turmoil. Is it possible? No, he said he didn't have a phone.

This guy says idiot all the time. But so does Shikamaru. And he knows it's not him, that's for sure.

His breathing started to pick up speed. He started to hyperventilate. He put his phone down and covered his face with his hands taking in a deep breath. The realization of who this could be was starting to hit him. He thought back at the present. How did he get that gift. He started thinking who would have a picture of him and his parents. Truly he would like to think no one, but there is however one person that might know.

Naruto: Hey sorry for the late night message, do you know where this picture came from?
Naruto: {image.8}

Iruka: Oh yeah! I was gonna come to your office and tell you about it! I found it just before Christmas in the attic with all Lord Third's stuff.

Naruto: Who did you give it too?

Iruka: Oh, Sasuke came by asking where you were on Christmas Eve, guess he didn't know you were on vacation. He saw it in my hand and asked if he could give it to you.
Iruka: I figured why not, i was busy going through the attic so i didn't have time to bring it to you myself.

Naruto: Your sure it was Sasuke you gave it too?

Iruka: Well of course. I'm old but I'm not senile.

"S....Sasuke?..." he muttered to himself. His heart felt like it was going to explode. He could feel his throat closing again. Soon he couldn't breathe. "N...No way..." Even with the signs pointing to him he still couldn't believe it. He wouldn't believe it. His eyes started to water. "N-No..." he whispered to himself.

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