Back To Work

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He sat at his desk with his hands folded under his chin. His right eye was twitching. "I should have slept in damn it!" He said angrily but also due to being tired. "Go to bed earlier." His assistant responded. He couldn't feel bad since it was his doing not going to sleep sooner. "Eh i tried but i was up all night thinking about..." he stopped talking, it was best he continued to keep the text messages from the Unknown to himself. He doesn't want anyone thinking it could be an enemy. Even though that chance was still likely. Or it could just be a joke someone pulled and they will come in the office any minute to mock him for it. "Tch nevermind.." his assistant didn't seem to push him for an answer instead he shrugged and placed a huge stack of paper work onto the desk next to the rest of the paper work that's built up over his little 'vacation.'
"You need to focus, don't make this more of a drag.." Shikamaru stated before leaving the office.

His phone buzzed against his leg, he pulled it out.

Unknown: Good morning Hokage.

Naruto: Good morning stranger.

Unknown: You looked pretty tired this morning, did I have you up all night thinking about me?

This definitely shocked him. He immediately realized this person had to of seen him this morning. He thought hard about who he saw but unfortunately he was half awake when he made his way to work.

Naruto: So you saw me?

Unknown: Yeah

Naruto: Why didn't you come say hi?

Unknown: Why would I?

Naruto: I don't know, to tell me you were joking with me?

Unknown: I'm not pulling a prank if that's what you think.

Naruto: Then what are you doing?
Naruto: If it's not a joke, is it a threat?

Unknown: No
Unknown: I wouldn't threaten you. Your to cute to cause a scene with.

Naruto: Cute? What's that supposed to mean?

Unknown: Idiot

Naruto: hey that's mean! You know I'm married right? She wouldn't take another girl, especially one who's stalking me, kindly texting me calling me cute.

Unknown: I'm not a girl. And i don't care if your married.

He froze for a moment. He couldn't move his fingers. His face became warm to the touch. His heart skipped a beat. Butterflies formed in his stomach. Not a girl? You mean a guy? He thought to himself. No way a guy was hitting on him! Granted it wasn't to shocking having male and female 'fans' but none of them ever seemed to go this far.

Naruto: So your a guy? I guess there's a hint.

Unknown: Hint? Do you really think you'll figure me out?

Naruto: Maybe, but knowing your a guy cut everyone under suspicion in half.

Unknown: Oh really? You may be cute but not very smart.

Naruto: That's mean!
Naruto: And stop calling me cute!

Unknown: Does it bug you Hokage?

His face became hotter. He felt his whole body being consumed by this device that's got all his attention. "Tch..." he said aloud.
He knows he's got lots of work to do, and if he keeps texting this guy he won't get anything done. Let alone texting him any way isn't getting him anywhere but leaving him confused. He set his phone face down onto the desk without responding to the mysterious guy.
It didn't bug him that he's a guy, and it didn't really bug him being called cute. It was embarrassing and made him feel all weird. He's married and yet for some reason this guy makes his heart flutter every time his phone vibrates. He doesn't even know who it is. But he still feels like he can't stop thinking about him.

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