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Yuna POV

Mom sent me to buy some groceries from the nearby convenience store. I don't even know what kind of mom does that. I came back home just today from my cousin's place and the second I reach home, she sends me to the store.

I reached home and put the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter and told my mom that I'm going to my room. When I entered I saw a book that I had been wanting for a long time and on top of it was a long letter. It read

Dear Hussey,

By the time you read this I would already be in a plane headed to America. My parents told me earlier this year that we would be moving to America after I finish Middle School. I didn't know how to tell you and so I didn't thinking I will tell you when I figure out how. But my time was up and while you were in your cousin's house, my parents told me to start packing all that I need to take. You were there for a week and we finished packing by then.

I guess this is for the best because if I was saying goodbye to you in person I would have cried really hard and it will have been a really ugly sight. Remember when we promised that we will never leave each other's side and that we will be best friends forever. I guess I broke that promise. I'm sorry. I may never come back because my parents are telling me that it's better there. Don't wait for me.

I'm really gonna miss you and please don't forget about me. You can if you want to. Love you, Yuna. You will always be my first best friend.

From your bestest friend who is really sorry,

(P.S Here's that book you really wanted. I hope you'll enjoy it)

I started crying really hard. He's gone and I didn't even see him before he left. Sure he was my best friend but I also had the biggest crush on him. I never told anyone about it because it could have ruined our friendship. It felt like my heart had shattered into a million pieces like a piece of glass when it's smashed on the floor. I just sat there in my room crying like hell.

My mom came into the room because she heard me.

"Yuna-yah, what happened?", She asked me patting me on the back and handing me a tissue.

"He's gone, Eomma..........Hyuka's gone................He left............for America", I said in between sobs.

"Really. He didn't tell you?"


"What time did he leave?"

"Earlier this morning, I guess. I might never see him again."

"No don't say that. Maybe we can go to America during the vacations or something".

I knew that wasn't true. My mom would never be able to afford that.

"It's okay, Eomma. It's okay. He's gone now but could I ask you for a favour?"

"Yes, anything".

"Can I switch schools?", I asked because the school I go to is both a Middle School and High School, "I don't think I'll be able to walk the same corridors again without him".

"Sure Yuna-yah".

"Thank you, Eomma. Your the best".

She left the room. It's just me and my mom and I'm really lucky to have her. My mom lost the person she loved and cared for the most and now the same is happening to me. I guess it's a family curse.

In my new school, I'll try not to make any friends. What if they leave me too. Yep, I'll just avoid everyone. Especially guys.

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