14. Ⓒⓞⓤⓡⓐⓖⓔ

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Yuna's POV

I woke up in the morning feeling slightly better than yesterday. I didn't feel as weak as earlier, nor did I feel cold. But, I wanted to be sick. I wanted an excuse to stay in bed and avoid everyone, avoid confrontation, avoid scoldings.

But most importantly, I wanted to avoid Sunghoon. I really started to regret asking him to stay over. Fuck these fucking feelings! Why the hell are they appearing so suddenly out of nowhere? And what am I to do about the Huening Kai situation? I'll have to face him eventually. And have I moved on from him?

I had a splitting headache because of my stupid heart and it's untimely decision to fuck up my life. Then, my stomach growled. Curse you, my insatiable appetite. Now I have to leave my room, my comfort, my everything. Then a small voice from the back of my head said, "stop being so dramatic".

I got out of the room only to see Sunghoon helping my mom in making breakfast. Are you kidding me? Sunghoon, please do something annoying and unattractive, please. But no, he did the very opposite. He saw me and smiled.

"Good morning Yuna! Did you sleep well? Are you feeling better?"

Gods his voice! The care in his eyes, the way he smiles. I wanna marry him. Wait! What?! Yuna snap out of it. I mentally scolded myself, whilst also trying to stop myself from melting because of Sunghoon.

"Ummm, Yuna?", he repeated. How long did I space out?

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Good morning! I slept well, thanks for asking. Yep, I'm feeling better", I said, with an awkward tone but internally I was just proud of myself for remembering the questions he asked.

"Yuna? Is your cold making you act weird or is it your heart?", my mom whispered as she checked my temperature. My eyes widened at that. She knows?

"Ahh, okay. I got it", she smirked.

"Let's have breakfast", my mom announced and we had breakfast.  It was fun, the food was great and I was trying my best to act normally with Sunghoon but it was hard. Every tiny action of his made me nervous. This is like middle school all over again. I sighed. I remembered when I first started crushing on Hyuka and it was so awkward. I avoided him until I learnt how to hide my feelings.

After breakfast, I decided to go till the bus stop with Sunghoon. He kept on telling me not to because I was still sick. Well, I'm stubborn and he'll have to deal with that.

"This idiot", he muttered, "she's sick and decided to come out".

"You know I can hear you right", I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I know", he said and sneezed repeatedly. Still so irritating.

"Are you sick?", I asked.

"No", he answered, "sneeze a couple of times and suddenly you're sick?".

"Okay, okay. You don't have to be so defensive", I said.

"We're here. Bye", he said. Is he avoiding me?

"Hey, are you mad at me?", I asked.

"No, of course not. I just...", he said but stopped mid way.

"Just what?", I asked.

"Nothing. It's something for another day", he said.

"Sunghoon, why?", I whined. He knows how much I hate this type of behaviour.

"Sorry, you'll just have to maintain your curiosity", he teased.

"I hate you", I said.

"I hate you too", he joked. But it hurts? Why?

"There's your bus, go", I said, pushing him off. Somehow it's easy to act normally with him.

"Bye Yuna, text ya later", he said.

"Bye", I said and turned to go back home.

I walked a while until everything went to shit.


Fuck! That name. Should I turn? Is he stalking me? Better now than later, right?

I turned and there he was, Huening Kamal Kai. He's so much taller now, more handsome but he still has the same features, his eyes especially.

"Hi, Kamal", I breathed out nervously. He walked towards me and I didn't know what to expect. All he did was give me a hug and that hug said everything I needed to know. It portrayed all the feelings he was feeling. It said 'I missed you', 'I'm glad I can talk to you again', 'why did you run away that day?' and 'I have so much to tell you' and so much more.

"Hussey", he whispered, "I missed you".

"I missed you too but don't expect me to forgive you for leaving me all those years ago", I said, half jokingly. I don't know where I got that courage.

"Still a grudge holder. Are you still the same or did you change much?", he asked and I saw how sorry he was. I saw how much he wanted our old friendship back. But the sad thing is, I don't think that's possible.

"Let's talk, Hyuka, we both have much to know", I said. I'm ready to talk to him now.

"Wow! That was dramatic", he said and I laughed.

"Bro, you haven't changed a bit", I said.


So Hyuka's back lol
I don't know what to do anymore
Today's update was short but hope y'all are enjoying the story
Your reads, votes and comments mean a lot


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